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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

31 October 2013

Will Flaherty Actually Change the Rules Again?

Just for Halloween, we decided to talk about something very scaaarry – the possibility of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty changing the housing and mortgage rules once again. People still haven’t stopped talking about last July, when he changed the mortgage rules for the fourth time in just as many years. One thing was different about those…

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30 October 2013
Is there a Problem with Canadian Housing Data?

We’ve all sat with dropping jaws while we’ve watched Canadian housing sales climb and climb over the past few months. And while we’re not getting the red-hot numbers that we were two years when the market was at its all-time high, we’re also not seeing anything near the collapse that many economists had predicted. Now…

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29 October 2013
The Balancing Act of Not Rushing, and Not Dragging Your Feet, when Buying a Home

We’ve all heard stories about home buyers that were all set to put in a great offer on the dream home they’d finally found after months of searching – only to find out that someone else had come in before them and won the house. A situation like that can be truly heartbreaking, as you’ll…

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28 October 2013
More of the Biggest Home-Buying Mistakes

Yesterday we talked about some of the major home-buying mistakes: falling for a home you cannot afford, overlooking flaws in the home just because you think there’s nothing better out there, and buying a home you don’t really like. Today we’ll look at three more mistakes, that could really end up costing you. Overlooking Major…

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27 October 2013
Biggest Mistakes You can make when Buying a Home

We’ve given you a lot of tips lately about how to buy a home. But along with ways you can buy a home, there are also lots of mistakes you can make when purchasing a home. So, what are those? Here we’ll break down some of the biggest mistakes you can make, and why you…

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26 October 2013
Money Talks: Volume 48

From employment insurance to the Senate scandal to the Bank of Canada’s interest rate, there was a lot of talk this week revolving around the Canadian economy. That being said, we still found some nuggets centered around personal finance, real estate, and your mortgage too. And it’s all really good stuff! Personal Finance Are you counting…

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25 October 2013
How the CMHC Improvements Mortgage can Help You

Have you been putting off buying a home because it needs too many home renovations and you don’t want to put extra money in after already paying the purchase price? If that’s the case, then CMHC – yes, the same organization that will insure your mortgage if you don’t have the 20 per cent down…

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