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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

31 May 2013

Money Talks: Volume 27

Personal Finance Everyday Money always loves looking at the differences between men and women. This week they look at how the two continue to misunderstand each other at work. Typically the only advice you get when claiming business expenses is which ones you can and can’t. This week the Canadian Finance Blog looks at types of…

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31 May 2013
Will Criminal Charges be Laid in Senate Expense Scandal?

It didn’t stop with Mike Duffy, and it didn’t stop after Nigel Wright resigned from his position. And, it looks as though the scandal surrounding Senate expenses isn’t going to stop yet either. Not until people start getting their answers, and maybe even charges are laid. Former RCMP Superintendent, Garry Clement, says that he wouldn’t…

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30 May 2013
Julie Dickson thinks it will be “Painful” when Interest Rates Rise

Julie Dickson may have plans for resigning from OSFI next year but she’s definitely not going to be content just sitting quietly in the meanwhile. During the Bloomberg Canada Economic Summit in Toronto on Tuesday, she spoke of the concern she has for Canadian banks, businesses currently depending on cheap credit, and households that will…

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30 May 2013
Mark Carney Likely to not Make Waves with Last Interest Rate Move

If you were to look on the Bank of Canada’s calendar, you’d probably see that today is the day for the interest rate announcement, and when we’ll hear whether or not the prime rate is going to see any increase at all. But Canadians who are aware of this weekend’s upcoming date – June 1…

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29 May 2013
How Much Paid Vacation do You Receive?

We love surveys! This morning we brought you the results from one showing how many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque, and now we have another, indicating how much paid vacation time  Canadians get, on average, each year. But don’t get too excited. Canada ranks third-worst on the list, being beaten out only by Japan…

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29 May 2013
Are You Living Paycheque to Paycheque?

According to a new survey conducted for the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada, over one-third of Canadians say that after they’ve paid their monthly bills, there’s almost no money left. And of those Canadians living paycheque to paycheque, Ontario sees the most. The survey was done to see how comfortably people are living, and…

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28 May 2013
Finance Minister Sees Cooling as a “Good Thing”

Ever since Finance Minister Jim Flaherty tightened mortgage rules once again last summer, many Canadians have been waiting for the day when he sees his glaring error and comes asking the public for their forgiveness. As of yesterday, those critics will be disheartened, as Mr. Flaherty does have some very emphatic thoughts on the housing…

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