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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

4 June 2013

Rules will NOT be Bent for Telus

Just last week we asked whether or not the government should bend the rules to allow the Telus takeover of Mobilicity. The ruling has come down and it turns out, they’re not. The spectrum, or radio waves, that Mobilicity purchased upon their start-up cannot be transferred until next February. In a statement issued today, Industry…

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4 June 2013
Non-Mortgage Debt Sees Biggest Drop in Nearly 10 Years!

We’ve talked at length about household debt, and how Canadians have seemed to be taking on more and more each year. It’s all anyone has seemed able to talk about lately, in fact, with the Department of Finance and Bank of Canada being especially concerned about the high levels that have been seen lately. Now…

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3 June 2013
More Analysts Say to Expect “Significant Collateral Damage” from Housing Cool Down

Just this morning we brought a positive, albeit subdued, report on the housing market from one of the biggest associations of professionals in the industry – CAAMP. Now though, we bring you an opposing view from more analysts in the industry. This time it’s Ben Rabidoux, an analyst with Hanson Advisor, and an expert known…

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3 June 2013
CAAMP Sees Housing Market Steady for this Year, Slow for Next

CAAMP has just released their Spring Mortgage Report, which sums up what the housing and mortgage market look like for the rest of 2013, and makes predictions of what we can expect continuing into next year. In that report, author Will Dunning, CAAMP’s chief economist, says that while low interest rates will continue to fuel…

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2 June 2013
The Cost of NOT Doing Renos By the Book

Get it done as fast as possible, and for as little money as you can possibly fork over. These are the two biggest goals you have when embarking on renovations, right? For many homeowners unfortunately, they are. The project just needs to get done quickly so you can start realizing all that extra value now…

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1 June 2013
Mortgage Restrictions, not Affordability, is Hurting Vancouver According to Some Brokers

Forget about million-dollar homes and sellers that will cling to their properties until they can get the highest price for them. The problem in Vancouver isn’t the high prices that are popping up all over the country; it’s mortgage restrictions that are limiting home buyers’ options, says one broker. “If they are looking at a…

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1 June 2013
Commercial Lenders Starting to Worry about Canadian Real Estate Landscape

Well we’ve been brooding about the residential real estate market in Canada for some time now, so it makes sense that it was only a matter of time before that bled over into the commercial market. That time is now here, and according to a survey by The Real Property Association and FPL Advisory Group,…

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