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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

11 July 2013

Bearish CAAMP Sees Future Rate Hikes as Unnecessary

It seems that ever since the latest round of mortgage rules went into effect last year, you can always count on Will Dunning of CAAMP to come out with shocking and stunning predictions. (Remember when he said in March that 190,000 jobs will be lost due to the mortgage rules?) Now he’s come out and…

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10 July 2013
What do You Think of Broker Cancellation Fees?

Just like in any other business, mortgage brokers need to seize opportunities to increase their profit as much as they can. But also like other businesses, some brokers can go a bit too far. And that’s what some consumers think True North has done with their new cancellation fees. True North is the brokerage introducing…

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9 July 2013
Are Mortgage Requirements Really Cooling Down the Market?

A recent study by BMO has some, namely CTV News in this instance, believing that the new mortgage restrictions that went into place a year ago (today, to be exact!) have cooled the market and kept some from entering the housing market. But the numbers actually need to be put into a bit of perspective…

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8 July 2013
CMHC Clears Things Up

You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about the mortgage rules imposed across the nation last year. But with those rules came some debt ratio standards that weren’t exactly clear. Or not as clear as CMHC would have liked, anyway. To that end they’ve now defined those standards even more, and that could make…

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7 July 2013
Luxury Homes not Being Hit by Mortgage Rules

Everyone is still feeling the hit from the mortgage rules that were imposed a year ago (in two days, to be exact.) One of those rules eliminated mortgage insurance for luxury homes altogether, which had many thinking that this would severely affect the sales in this market. As it turns out though, the rules haven’t…

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6 July 2013
Money Talks: Volume 32

Personal Finance It’s hard to find much good about recessions. But Boomer & Echo looks at 3 countries that are in recession right now, making for great summer getaways. Even though those vacations are cheap though, they’ll still cost you money. That’s why Canadian Finance Blog has come up with 6 free things to do…

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5 July 2013
Why Renting to Own Still Leaves a Bad Taste

While renting to own homes can be a great option for those that don’t have the credit or the clout to get a mortgage on their own, it still sometimes leaves a bad taste in the mouths of consumers. Doesn’t rent to own come with huge interest fees and costs attached? And isn’t it all…

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