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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

14 November 2013

How to Use Your Inheritance Wisely

Yesterday we talked about all the different ways not to use your inheritance, and there were some great tips in that post. So what’s left for you to do with it after you’ve read what not to do with it? Here are a few very wise ways to use that inheritance. Pay off your debt…

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13 November 2013
How NOT to Use Your Inheritance

Yesterday we talked about how some folks in this country are relying on an inheritance to solve their money problems – and about how that’s not such a great idea. But if you beat the odds, have taken into consideration the tax implications that go along with receiving an inheritance, and are now set to…

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12 November 2013
Are You Relying on an Inheritance to Solve Your Problems?

Some people like to put money into an RRSP. Others like to stash their money away in real estate, waiting until the exact right time to pull it out. Others however, like to play a different game when it comes to the stash what they have socked away for their retirement. Or rather, what they…

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11 November 2013
The Problem with Home Inspections

It wasn’t that long ago that we talked about why you should never skip a home inspection when buying a home. But, just getting a home inspection is the easy part – even with the hefty expense it might cost you. The hard part is finding a home inspector that’s actually working for you, and…

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10 November 2013
Canada’s got More New Bank Notes!

As of Thursday this past week, Canada has some brand new currency! No, we haven’t introduced $25 bills or $0.03 coins, but the Bank of Canada has released new $5 and $10 bills that are much like the $20 and $100 bills that were released by the Bank beginning in 2011. These are the last…

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9 November 2013
Money Talks: Volume 50

It’s Financial Literacy Month! To kick things off in our first edition of Money Talks during this month where everything revolves around finances, we’ve got tons of goodies for you. The best place to invest in Canada, loads of personal finance literature to get you kick-started, and a look at whether it’s better to rent…

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8 November 2013
Toronto Market Being Helped Out by Mom and Dad

Earlier this year, CAAMP came out very vocally against Finance Minister Jim Flaherty saying that the mortgage rules that were put in place weren’t helping the market, but they were in fact hurting first-time buyers; and it was those buyers that needed help. Now, they’ve gotten it, and the help hasn’t come from the government….

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