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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

10 September 2012

Why Looking at Average Home Prices isn’t Enough

Many factors come into play when discussing the real estate market in Canada; and one of the biggest is home prices. Have they gone up? Increasing slightly could be a sign that our economy’s going up and that people are getting more value out of their home. But are they going up too high? That…

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9 September 2012
Is Your Property Value Going Down?

Experts have been predicting all year that property values are going to start declining across the country. And that those in especially hot markets, such as Toronto and Vancouver, can expect to see a 10 to 15 per cent decrease in their property value over the next several years. This of course has many homeowners…

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9 September 2012
Zero Down Mortgages Becoming Obsolete in Canada

Mortgage down payments are no joke in Canada. Home prices are hitting their ceilings in many areas, and the federal government has just imposed shorter amortization periods for homebuyers who don’t have the full 20 per cent. So then, it may come as no surprise that the biggest lender of zero-down mortgages in Canada has…

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8 September 2012
Should the New Mortgage Rules be Revisited?

As of tomorrow the new mortgage rules will have been in effect for two months and, as predicted, they’ve had some impact on Canada’s housing and mortgage market. Those effects are just the ones that many with close ties in the industry feared; and just the ones that Jim Flaherty has hoped for. The reduced…

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8 September 2012
An Interesting Look at Canada’s Workforce

The National Post recently ran a very interesting infographic regarding Canada’s workforce. The diagram was thorough and covered everything from the overall unemployment rate in Canada, broken down by province; to the number of women in the workforce and their pay compared to men; to the amount of people working in retirement, and the age…

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7 September 2012
Fewer of Us Living Paycheque to Paycheque, Still not Enough

This morning we talked about how our consumer spending has gotten so high that we simply can’t afford to do too much more of it. If we don’t continue spending, Moody’s says that we have a 20 per cent chance of falling into another recession. But it’s a very delicate balance between sufficient consumer spending,…

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7 September 2012
Is Canada Going into Another Recession?

When the global financial crisis hit in 2008 and much of the world went into a recession, here in Canada we felt pretty safe. Sure we may have dipped into a recession slightly for a short period of time. But for the most part our economy kept churning, and we kept spending in order to…

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