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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

23 October 2012

Should We Really Be That Concerned about Household Debt Levels?

Should we really be that concerned about the amount of debt we have piling up in this country? Of course we should. Debt in this country is a problem, and that’s why last week we dedicated an entire miniseries to it, talking about debt levels of all kinds; and home refinancing and second mortgage options…

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23 October 2012
Lower Inflation Means Low Interest Rates, Says Economists

Mark Carney is expected to make his next scheduled interest rate announcement today to let us know whether rates will be going up or down over the next couple of months. It’s thought that, as it’s been for the past two years, the overnight lending rate is going to be kept at 1 per cent….

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23 October 2012
Now is Not the Time for Toronto Sellers to Panic

It’s not hard just to secure a Toronto mortgage these days; it’s also difficult to try and get rid of one by selling your home. It’s true.  Right now, things could look pretty grim if you look at them too closely. Toronto home sales have dropped while new listings have gone up, leading many to…

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22 October 2012
Have You Gotten Your Property Assessment Yet?

There’s another problem going on with real estate in Toronto. And in fact, all over Ontario. This time it has little to do with rising (or falling) home prices and sales, but rather the assessed value of the property homeowners are already living in. That’s right. It’s property assessment time. And some homeowners might be…

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21 October 2012
The Booming Province of Saskatchewan

There’s been a lot of talk about the unemployment rate in Canada lately, after Statistics Canada released their latest stats last week. And while Calgary has come out shining in all categories, including the lowest unemployment rate in the country and a housing market that’s positively booming, there’s one province that’s not far behind. That…

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21 October 2012
How the Housing Market Slow Down will Help Banks

Just about everyone has been hurt by the mortgage rules that went into effect this summer, right? Buyers can no longer afford homes because their down payment isn’t large enough, and sellers don’t have nearly as many people to sell to – let alone stir up a bidding war. But aside from Finance Minister, Jim…

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20 October 2012
Another Factor Hurting Toronto’s Housing Market

There have been a lot of fingers pointed in Jim Flaherty’s direction lately. His mortgage rules that went into effect in July have cooled markets all across the country (with the exception of Calgary,) and it’s now much harder to buy a home. But when it comes to Toronto, there may be something else at…

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