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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

8 November 2012

What is the Fiscal Cliff, and How Will it Affect Canadians?

Now that the presidential election is over in the United States, the question has gone from who will be the next President of the United States, to what in the world are they going to do about that fiscal cliff that is fast approaching? But while the term “fiscal cliff” has been thrown around a…

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7 November 2012
What Is an Economy? What are Economic Systems?

The U.S. presidential election was yesterday, and congratulations to Barack Obama for winning a second term in the White House. But just as the first polls were closing last night, analysts kept repeating that U.S. voters were largely voting based on “the economy” last night. Now, “the economy” didn’t include things like health care, unemployment,…

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6 November 2012
Surprised Anyone? Toronto Home Sales Down in October

We just talked this morning about how Canada’s housing market is not headed for a U.S.-style crash by any means. But there’s no doubt that Benjamin Tal wasn’t wrong when he said that the situation right now isn’t good by any stretch. And while you might not want to hold your breath waiting for an…

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6 November 2012
Okay, One More Time: We Are Not The U.S.

Economist Benjamin Tal, one of the most well-known and respected voices in the mortgage and real estate market in Canada, has once again released a report in which he points to many factors differing Canada’s “housing bubble” from the complete meltdown that happened in the States. Still, there are disbelievers, such as Seeking Alpha, who…

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5 November 2012
How to Have More Money

Our household debt levels are at the highest point they’ve ever been in history. Meanwhile, our incomes are growing at their slowest rates during the same time period that our debt’s been rising; and high-cost items such as mortgages don’t seem to be getting cheaper at the rate most of us would like to see….

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5 November 2012
Condo Starts in Toronto Stalled due to Low Sales

Jim Flaherty can take a look at the lack of trucks and construction trailers, and partially finished condo projects around Toronto, and breathe a sigh of relief. His mortgage rules are working. Toronto condo starts are softening, and perhaps he can finally stop worrying about “the last Toronto condo buyer.” There is definitely some change…

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4 November 2012
To Buy New, or Buy Resale?

When it comes to the type of home you’re going to buy, it’s something that a lot of people put a lot of thought into. Will it be one bedroom or two? A walk-up, or a bungalow? A condo, or a detached home? There are lots of decisions. But one that many don’t think about…

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