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5 January 2013

10 Worst Cities to Live in Canada: Part 10, Leamington, Ontario

When we saw that Leamington, Ontario made it to MoneySense’s 10 worst places to live, we were doubtful at best. After all, the reason given by MoneySense for Leamington being such a rotten place to live is that they have the least amount of public transit available in all of Canada. That didn’t seem like…

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4 January 2013
Money Talks: Volume 7

Nearly two weeks after the Christmas spending frenzy, just about everyone is talking about money. Even if it’s just to say that they’re hiding from that credit card bill this month. But this week, even this latter group will want to join in on the discussion, as we look at some interesting and important money…

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4 January 2013
10 Worst Cities to Live in Canada: Part 9, Kenora, Ontario

Travel all the way west in Ontario, almost until you run smack dab into Winnipeg, and you’ll come across the small city known as Kenora. This city, which was once actually considered to be both a part of Ontario and Winnipeg (if you can figure that one out,) began its life being known as “Rat…

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4 January 2013
Canadian Debt Infographic: The Economy Debt, and You

It’s no secret that Canada’s national public debt has taken a huge hit during that last several years and that that has trickled down into households, and the average debt per capita. But just how has our country gotten into so much debt? And what does this mean for Canadian households? Canada does unfortunately have…

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3 January 2013
10 Worst Places to Live in Canada: Part 8, St. John’s, Newfoundland

St. John’s, Newfoundland has gotten a bad rap over the past 20 years. Once known as the lifeline of Canada’s fishing industry, the cod fisheries all closed in the early 1990s, and this had a devastating effect on the city of St. John’s, and the rest of Newfoundland. To put it in perspective just how…

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2 January 2013
10 Worst Places to Live in Canada: Part 7, Bay Roberts, Newfoundland

When it comes to the worst places to live in Canada, cities and towns can fall into two categories. Towns that are well off economically, but lack in things such as amenities or experience a high crime rate; or those that are just bad to live in overall – economically, and socially. Unfortunately when it…

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31 December 2012
Biggest Financial News Stories of 2012

We are hours away from ushering out 2012 and welcoming 2013. Around the blogosphere and in the media you may find lists such as “The Top 10 Celebrities of 2012” or “The Biggest Music Singles of the Year.” Surprisingly though, when we tried to dig up the biggest financial stories of the year, we came…

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