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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

15 January 2013

When will Interest Rates Go Up?

Last year whenever the subject of interest rates came up, you were sure to hear one thing: rates would remain at their historic lows until at least the end of the year. Well, now the year has come and gone, and now we’re all really starting to question when the interest rate hike is going to…

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15 January 2013
How to Determine Your Net Worth

There’s been a lot of talk lately about our high debt-to-income ratios and debt consolidation. Amid all that talk you’ll constantly hear how important it is to know exactly where you stand with your debt, and understand – to the penny – how much you owe. That’s true. If you’re ever going to pay off…

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14 January 2013
Economists Warn of Long-Reaching Effects felt by a Cooling Housing Market

It can no longer be denied that we’re in a cooling housing market. Sales activity has slowed considerably when compared with last year, and even though prices have yet to follow, there’s little doubt that at some point, they will. And while we so often think of the sellers in the market, who else does…

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14 January 2013
Why is it so Much More Expensive to Raise Children Today?

Yesterday we ran through a list of the biggest financial concerns that were on the minds of Canadians last year. On that list was the cost of raising children, which came in at a whopping cost of $191,665, according to the Manitoba Department of Agriculture. Those stats are up – waay up – from the $25,229…

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13 January 2013
What were the Biggest Financial Concerns of 2012?

We know, we’re almost halfway through the first month of the new year. Aren’t all of our lists and “Best Of’s” of 2012 over yet? This will be the last one, we promise. But when we stumbled across the Finacial Post’s list of what Canadians were most stressed about financially in 2012, we had to…

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13 January 2013
Why Haven’t We Crashed Yet?

It’s a question many people – especially buyers in some of today’s hottest markets – are asking. When is the crash going to happen? We’ve been hearing about the housing market crash that’s coming to Canada for at least a year now. Homes were too hot in just about every market, and interest rates were…

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12 January 2013
Toronto Sales Down in December, Prices up YOY

There’s no denying now that we’re smack dab in the middle of a real estate softening. December stats are in for the number of sales and homes sold in the GTA and they show what the past few months of data have been depicting. Sales are slowing down as people find it tougher to get…

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