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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

11 January 2014

Money Talks: Volume 57

We apologize for not bringing you an edition of Money Talks earlier. But during the month of December we were so busy talking about the holidays, and our spending during that time that we thought were just a bit more pressing than seeing what others were saying around the web. But we have still been…

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10 January 2014
This Spring, Expect a Seller’s Market

We’ve talked recently about the buyer’s market that can be seen in the GTA, and even the outrageous ads luring buyers in to certain condo developments here in the city. But according to some market experts, this spring that’s going to turn around and we’ll see our buyer’s market turning into one that’s creeping over…

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9 January 2014
Stephen Poloz Disagrees with Finance Minister

We often wish that we could be a fly on the wall at the Bank of Canada and listen to what BoC Governor Stephen Poloz has to say about Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, or vice versa. The relationship between these two is a delicate one, and one that must balance the good of the Canadian…

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8 January 2014
New Real Estate Agent Review Site lets Consumers Have Their Say

Too often when we as consumers talk about real estate agents, it’s with a negative edge in our tone. But real estate agents aren’t actually all that bad. Sure there are a few that put a negative light on the industry, but generally these are just a handful among thousands of many great real estate…

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7 January 2014
Finance Minister Sees Housing Market and Debt Improving

There’s a lot of talk that goes around about Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. But on Sunday he sat down with CTV’s Question Period to speak on the condition of the housing market and personal debt within Canada. And the good news, for those thinking he was going to tighten mortgage rules once again, he sees…

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6 January 2014
Lenders Change Debt Servicing Policies, and Brokers Question It

As if all the government rules now put into place within the Canadian mortgage market weren’t difficult enough to deal with – now we’ve got lenders changing their debt servicing policies to make it even tougher. Street Capital and First National are just two of the handful of lenders that have now changed their guidelines…

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5 January 2014
How to Curb Spending in 2014

We’ve already talked about the predictions for 2014 regarding the real estate and mortgage market. But what about predictions for yourself? What does your 2014 look like? Unless most of us can find a way to curb our spending, the picture might be a bit bleak. So to make sure that you do indeed have…

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