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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

8 November 2010

Muted Prospects for Canadian Mortgage and Housing Markets Moving into 2011

Prospects for Canadian mortgage and housing markets are likely to muted as we move into 2011, with the CREA revising its forecasts for 2010 and 2011 home sales.

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8 November 2010
Outstanding Canadian Residential Mortgage Debt Crosses $1 Trillion

Canadian mortgage debt has crossed $1 trillion for the first time, due to increase in buying activity and home equity loans.

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5 November 2010
How will QE2 affect Canadian Home Mortgage and Housing Markets?

Quantitative easing in the U.S. is unlikely to resolve the U.S. housing and foreclosure mess, or significantly boost consumer spending. In Canada, the question is how long will home mortgage and interest rates remain low while the Bank of Canada digests the effects of QE2.

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7 October 2010
Canadian Headlines of “Dismal Housing Prospects” Not Supported by IMF Report

Despite dire headlines, the IMF classifies Canada as one of the few “rebound economies” in which mortgage and real estate markets have avoided the steep declines in so-called “bust economies” including the U.S. and Great Britain.

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6 October 2010
Further Tightening of Canada’s Mortgage Rules Possible, Financial Post Reports

Speculation that further tightening of Canadian mortgage rules may be in the offing, sparks analysts to warn of the impact such changes could have on housing markets.

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30 September 2010
Key Differences in U.S. and Canadian Home Mortgage Markets Overlooked

Comparisons of Canadian mortgage and housing markets to their U.S. counterparts ignores key differences in underlying practices that skewed U.S. markets and led to a U.S. housing collapse.

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20 September 2010
Canada’s Mortgage and Real Estate Markets Make a “Soft Landing”

Why Canada’s mortgage and real estate ‘doomsayers’ miss the mark regarding Canadian mortgage and housing markets.

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