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13 November 2011

A Down Payment – The Perfect Holiday Gift

So many of us are starting to think (or already have a closet full) of Christmas presents that we’re going to buy and give to our closest friends and family this year. But what about a down payment? Sure, it may not be exactly your most traditional holiday present, but the idea of gifting a down payment is nothing new; and it’s something we as mortgage brokers get asked about all the time. That’s because there are some very specific rules to gifting and receiving the gift of a down payment.

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11 November 2011
Where will Your Kids be Living when You’re 65?

There’s nothing better than family, right? That’s what many of us believe. But what about when it comes to living with that family? And more specifically, living with our children? Having those children is a goal many of us strive to achieve in our single years. And it’s a choice we’re all very happy with during our working years when our children are small. But what about when they grow up? After they’ve graduated high school and are now responsible adults in their own rite? Sure, there’s probably still nothing better than them in our lives. But do you really want them living with you at that stage?

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7 November 2011
Can You Really get a Mortgage Without a Down Payment?

There’s always a lot of talk about how people with bad credit have the money for a monthly mortgage payment, and maybe even have money for a down payment. But because they don’t have the necessary credit, they think that being approved for a home loan is out of their reach. But what about the flip side? What about those who have an impeccable credit history, but no money for a down payment? Is it still possible for those who fall into this group to obtain a mortgage?

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29 October 2011
Merrill Lynch Thinks Canadians are in Trouble; are we?

A recent report by the Bank of America Merrill Lynch report has gotten some Canadians worried, as the report states that those of us carrying a floating rate mortgage are in trouble. But do we really have reason to be worried?

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25 October 2011
Ten Most Affordable Cities in Canada

We’ve already talked in-depth about how expensive it can be to live in some of Canada’s cities, especially places like Vancouver. But what about people looking for an affordable Canada mortgage? Where can these people go to still get affordable rates, but also lower home prices? Canada is a beautiful country, and one with lots of options! If you’re looking to move, or are just wondering if your city falls into the list, here are the 10 most affordable cities in Canada, as reported by the Canadian Real Estate Association

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24 October 2011
Closing Costs, Part 3: Who Pays for What?

In the first part of our mini-series looking at closing costs, we talked about just how important they are, and just how expensive they can be. If you’ve been following, you’re probably a little worried about them yourself now, and are ready to jump at the chance to have someone else pay them. Well, it’s true. It’s very common for sellers to pay the closing costs, and some lenders will even pitch in when it comes time to get a mortgage, and to start talking about closing costs with your mortgage broker. In part 3 of our mini-series, we’ll look at just who you can expect to pay what closing costs, as well as how that process works.

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3 October 2011
Saving for Your Mortgage Down Payment

For most people, it’s not the actual monthly payment that they think they can’t afford when it comes to their future mortgage, it’s the down payment. True, a down payment is a large sum of money that you’ll have to fork over all at once. And, with down payments being anywhere from 5% – 20% (and more if you really want to lower those monthly payments,) they can be tens of thousands of dollars. So how are you supposed to be able to save up that much? There are a few ways.

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