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Want to Save Money this Christmas? Shop at the Dollar Store!

20 December 2012

Many Canadians most likely pop into the dollar store at some point or another during their Christmas holiday shopping. Whether it’s to pick up a kitchen gadget to help with that turkey dinner, or just to get those last remaining stocking stuffers that you still need, just about all of us makes that trip at least once. But what if you could get presents while you’re there? Real presents that will be loved and cherished – and only cost you a couple of bucks? It’s true. You can do it, and here’s how!

Bath sets
You may not find any of these all pre-packed and wrapped nicely for you (although you might!) Still, go down the aisles and scoop up a basket, some nice body wash, loofahs, soaps, bath oils, lotions, and anything else you think the receiver will need in order to fully pamper themselves. Remember that guys like to get baskets of stuff to take care of themselves, too so if there’s a guy on your list that you still haven’t bought for, this could be a great gift! Want to make it look a little more professionally-put-together? Try to get products from the same manufacturer.

Do you have a music lover on your list? The dollar store has lots of CDs, and while you may not find Taylor Swift’s or Justin Bieber’s latest album, there is a whole collection of soothing sounds, classical music, kids CDs, and other music that can soothe the soul, or get you all fired up!

Glam gifts
Have you ever seen the huge aisle of cosmetics at the dollar store? Again, grab a pretty basket to put it all in and then go crazy filling it up with glosses, shadows, blushes, and whatever else you think is glammy and pretty. Throw in a few goodies for the hair too, such as nice headbands or gadgets that let you do tricky stuff. That glam girl on your list will love it!

Lots of people are really into candles, and the dollar store will have tons to choose from. Long tapered ones, small short ones, funny candles, and tea lights – you’ll be able to find whatever you’re looking for. Just remember to also buy a candle holder that will fit them to boost up the niceness factor.

Socks, scarves, earrings, bangles, whatever accessory that certain someone on your list is into, the dollar store will have it. No basket necessary here. Just grab a few of the items that catch your eye, and then wrap them up nicely. Sometimes for smaller items such as earrings, the store will also have small boxes to make for easy wrapping.

A box or basket filled with candy is always a good present to have on hand for that friend that drops by unexpectedly, or to stash in your car when you go to a parent council meeting (and just aren’t sure who you’re going to see there.) The dollar store again, has oodles of different candy and chocolate that you can choose from – and they’re all cheap!

Whether you’re buying “just in case” gifts, or an actual big present for someone, know that it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Make your first stop the dollar store so you can get all the cheap stuff first, and then fill in the rest of the more expensive things after that.

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