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This Week’s Financial Round-Up

22 October 2011

This week was an exciting one on our blog! We kicked off our first round of mini-series with a close look at closing costs; and we touched on Canada’s economy, looking at the most expensive places to live in Canada, and news regarding the National Housing Act, and how it impacts the future outlook of the housing market. In personal financial news, we looked at the one time you need a credit card; and in business news we saw that Canadian businesses are looking forward to the New Year.
In case you missed any of it, here’s our roundup of this week’s blog posts:
Bring on 2012, says Canadian Businesses
A BMO study released this week showed that Canadian business owners think that 2012 will be a prosperous one, despite the news from Stephen Harper that he expects a global recession during the same time.
Closing Costs, Part 1: Recurring and Non-Recurring Costs
We were so excited to kick off our new monthly mini-series with this in-depth look at closing costs! This first part looked at the two main types of closing costs: recurring and non-recurring.
The One Time You Need a Credit Card
While in most cases, things like a HELOC or a second mortgage are better ways to borrow, there is one time that you need a credit card – and that’s if you own your own business!
NHA MBA Levels are Dropping – What does that mean?
Canada mortgage-backed securities or rather, insured mortgages, are going down. This is promising for our economy, as it suggests that Canadians are no longer taking on mortgages that they cannot afford. Especially when you combine that with the recent news coming from the Canadian Real Estate Association!
Vancouver Hardest Place in Canada to Raise a Young Family
It’s no secret that the mortgages in Vancouver are on average, the highest in the country. But, the average income across the entire province of B.C. has also dropped, spelling bad news for young families trying to cope with increasing costs on just about everything.
Closing Costs, Part 2: The Cost of Closing
Capping off the week, we continued our closing costs mini-series with a look at what costs you can expect to face at closing, and just how much they really are.

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