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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

12 March 2013

‘Accredited Senior Agents’ a New Specialized Type of Real Estate Agent in Ontario

There’s a new kind of real estate agent in Ontario, and they’re called “accredited senior real estate agents.” These real agents focus on helping only the elderly find, buy, and sell homes that they’re interested in, and it’s a field that some agents are moving to in anticipation of the huge Baby Boomer crowd that…

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11 March 2013
The Biggest Mistake to Avoid with Rent to Own Homes

We’ve talked about rent to own homes a couple of times before. With a rent to own home, typically a renter signs into an agreement with the current owner of the home that they will rent the property for a short while, before purchasing the home outright. While renting, the renter pays a small percentage…

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11 March 2013
Walking the Fine Line of Housing Stimulus and a Housing Bubble

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty seems to have been walking a fine line with the taxpayers over the past couple of years. Four years ago he increased the amortization periods on mortgages to 40 years – a whopping amount of time, considering how low that could make some monthly mortgage payments. Flaherty was criticized for this…

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10 March 2013
The 3 Biggest Mistakes First-Time Home Buyers Make

Just yesterday we talked about the biggest mistakes anyone can make when buying an older home, such as not making sure that certain systems are up to code and in proper working order. But first-time home buyers are a group that are especially prone to making some other pretty common mistakes on any home they…

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9 March 2013
Things to Consider when Buying an Older Home

Purchasing a home that has all the latest and greatest appliances and other amenities and all the modern fixin’s can come with many advantages. But so can buying an older property that holds charm and character that today’s newest cookie-cutter developments can’t come close to delivering. They can also come fraught with problems and headaches…

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8 March 2013
Money Talks: Volume 15

This week there was a lot of mortgage and housing talk as the Bank of Canada, not surprisingly, kept the interest rate right where it’s been for the past two years; and CMHC changes their construction forecast. And while that gives everyone a lot to talk about, Gail Vaz-Oxlade gives us a lesson on how…

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8 March 2013
When’s the Best Time to Buy a New Home? At the End of This Year!

The Canadian housing market can be a hard one to predict lately. At the end of last year, many home buyers were sitting on the sidelines waiting for prices to come down. In some parts of Canada that is happening, and so buyers might be thinking about jumping into the market during the busy spring…

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