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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

4 April 2013

Is it True that “There is No Canadian Housing Market?”

Real estate guru and founding partner of Real Estate Investment Network (REIN), Don Campbell, has recently said something very interesting, noting that “there is no Canadian housing market.” And while at first you may want to point out all the ebbs and flows this so-called market has been through in the past two years, once…

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3 April 2013
Canadians have Record Slow Growth, but is it Enough?

The report that was released by RBC recently seems encouraging enough at first – showing that we’ve had the slowest growth of debt in more than a decade. But dig deeper, and you’ll see why Canadians might not be as well off as this report suggests, and that unless our incomes start rising accordingly, that…

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3 April 2013
Should CMHC be Privatized?

When Jim Flaherty unveiled the 2013 federal budget, and showed his policy changes to CMHC, it brought up once again the question of whether or not CMHC should be privatized. This is not a new conversation, but the recent changes are already going to limit the amount of CMHC mortgage insurance that’s eligible to consumers,…

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2 April 2013
Xceed is Sold, and it’s a Good Thing for Brokers

While not very well-known among consumers and home buyers, Xceed Mortgage Corporation is a very popular choice among mortgage brokers, especially when they have clients looking for sub-prime mortgages, something that very few lenders are now offering in Canada. Now though, Xceed has been sold, and the sale had many brokers worried that, like ING…

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2 April 2013
Everything else is Cheaper in the States; are Mortgages, too?

As Canadians, we’re used to paying more than Americans for certain goods. Magazines, books, clothing, and even chocolate bars are priced more expensive on this side of the border than our southern counterparts. But when it comes to mortgages, who pays more? Americans or Canadians? At first glance, it does seem as though, once again,…

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1 April 2013
The Controversy of the Sunshine List

As the government is trying to crack down on the amount of unaffordable debt people are taking on, and as students are crying louder than ever for lower tuition, the Ontario government has released the “Sunshine List.” The Sunshine List is a list that was brought into existence during the Mike Harris era of premiership,…

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31 March 2013
Many Think Ontario’s Efforts to Cap Tuition Hikes are Simply Not Enough

In an effort that you would think would make the Occupiers happy, the Ontario government has put a cap of 3 per cent on tuition increases. The cap will be effective for the next four years, and is down from the previous 5 per cent that the cap has sat at for the past seven…

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