The Difference between Hard and Soft Credit Score Pulls
When you’re trying to repair your credit score, there’s one cardinal rule that you must follow: do not let anyone check your credit history or your credit score. Ever. The reason for this is simple. Because every time someone pulls your credit score, it negatively affects your credit. But another cardinal rule when repairing your…
Read moreIs there Enough Transparency with the Government?
It’s probably the issue that the Conservatives are taken to task to the most – are they being transparent enough in their dealings, their taxes, and their revenue to the Canadian people? And although this is usually an issue reserved for the House of Commons, it’s now being dragged right out to the Canadian public….
Read moreLow Interest Rates Until 2015? The PBO Thinks So!
Ever since 2010 we’ve been hearing that interest rates are “going to rise next year!” This has always brought with it a new form of panic, of people worrying about debt (although we all should be anyway) and buying homes based on an interest rate that’s actually much higher than today’s posted rate (another good…
Read moreShould the Minimum Wage be Raised?
It was on Thursday that The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage stormed Queen’s Park to give the Ontario Ministry of Labour a Canadian $10 bill. That was frozen in a block of ice. Their point was that the minimum wage has been kept at $10.25 for the past three years, and that you can’t…
Read moreOntario Liberals to Cut Auto Insurance; but is it Enough for the NDPs?
The Ontario Liberals have pledged to cut auto insurance rates for Ontario drivers by 15 per cent, thought of as a move to appease the NDPs so they’ll push the budget through and therefore, avoid an election. The question is though, will it be enough? It’s no wonder that an outcry was heard. Finance Minister…
Read moreMoney Talks: Volume 23
Wow, spring is in session and there is a lot that everyone is buzzing about! Whether it’s investing, personal finance, or financial matters around the country, we found a lot of chatter around the web this week. So without further ado, let’s get into this week’s money talks! Personal Finance If you’re a renter, you…
Read moreStephen Poloz will be Next Bank of Canada Governor
It was yesterday that Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced that after “an exhaustive domestic and international search,” a new Bank of Canada Governor has been found. But it’s not who everyone thought it would be. Predictions made early called for Tiff Macklem, senior deputy governor, to take over the job. Poloz, 57, is the current…
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