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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

26 April 2013

Is Population Growth the Answer to a Cooling Market?

There’s been a lot of talk about what is needed to help Ontario’s housing market; and everything from job creation to giving a boost to the economy has been suggested in order to do just that. But one CMHC analyst says that we need to stop focusing on the province’s GDP, and stop worrying so…

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25 April 2013
Shocking News for Families about their Taxes

Do you know how much your family is paying in taxes? Do you know what percentage that is of your family income, especially when compared with how much you’re paying for basic necessities? A recent report from the Fraser Institute shows some statistics that may alarm you. According to the Institute, families are currently using…

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25 April 2013
Move Over, Alberta! Ontario’s Getting Ready to Grow!

Ontario sometimes gets painted with a bad brush, especially when it’s compared to the oh-so-lucrative province of Alberta. But now one regional economist with CMHC is saying that in the upcoming months it’s going to be Ontario that sees much more growth. The reason? A housing market that is starting to show signs of balance;…

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24 April 2013
Just One More Thing High Home Prices are Hurting

If you’ve ever searched the local classifieds or trolled the streets of Toronto looking for a place to rent, you know just how hard it can be. Finding a home or apartment to rent is tough; and making sure you’re the top applicant out of all the others having difficulty finding a rental spot can…

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24 April 2013
How Many Canadians are Renovating this Year? How Much are They Spending?

A recent poll conducted by CIBC shows that nearly one-third of Canadians are planning on making renovations to their home within the next twelve months. But which provinces are going to be making the most improvements to their home, and how much is the average Canadian spending on those renovations? Among the 39 per cent…

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23 April 2013
What’s Really Bugging Calgary Homeowners?

Air conditioners. That’s the biggest beef on the minds of Calgarians this spring as we look forward to those hot, summer months. Air conditioners that are too loud, run constantly, and in some cases one resident says, is even affecting the health of the neighbours around it. The problem is simple; whether or not the…

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23 April 2013
When Banks can’t Win Mortgage Wars, they Turn to Cars

Banks have been struggling to win the mortgage wars for nearly a year now. But since mortgage rules have been tightened for the fourth time in just as many years, banks have been finding that no one’s going to be declared the winner. With fewer buyers on the market, it doesn’t really matter how low…

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