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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

14 May 2013

Toronto Condo Sales Plunge by More than Half in First Quarter

When comparing the real estate years of 2012 and 2013 in Toronto, especially the beginning of the years and taking the condo market into consideration with it, you know there’s going to be a huge gap. Last year condos were the talk of the town, and anyone who bought one the newest beau or belle…

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13 May 2013
How to be a Part of the U.S. Takeover

This morning we talked about how Canadians are investing heavily in United States real estate, and realized that it may have gotten many investors excited about jumping into the waters and doing the same. But just how do you do it? First you have to find the deal, then fund the deal, then make the…

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13 May 2013
Canadians are Over-Taking the United States

At least when it comes to real estate anyway. For the past several years, investing in real estate in the United States has been something extremely risky for everyone, Canadians and Americans included. But there’s been an interesting shift in the past year or two. American real estate is being offered for rock-bottom prices, far…

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12 May 2013
What to do if Your Tenant Smokes

Just a few days ago we talked about how smoking in your home can decrease its value. But what do you do if it’s your tenant that’s smoking in your property? You definitely don’t want to lose resale value, which you will if they’re smoking in the home. But can you give them a verbal…

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12 May 2013
Another Bearish Outlook, with not Much to Back it Up

Who else is growing weary of all the doom and gloom reports surrounding the housing market, and nearly all that have very little in the way of actual facts and stats to back them up. And this time, the opinion that Canada’s market is headed for certain death doesn’t come from a Canadian economist or…

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12 May 2013
How to Save Money During Wedding Season

Summer is here and for the most part, that brings nothing but good things. Sunny days, vacation time, and lots of holidays and weddings to celebrate. But with nearly all of those things also come a handful of expenses. And during the coming months – prime time wedding season – all those gifts, clothes, and…

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11 May 2013
How Much are You Spending on Mother’s Day this Year?

Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all the moms out there! You’ll be very happy to know that on your day tomorrow, you might be receiving a little more than usual. According to a new survey conducted by the Bank of Montreal, loved ones are planning on spending an average of $107 on the mom on…

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