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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

28 May 2013

Should Telus be Allowed to Break the Rules?

The sale of the smaller mobile communications company, Mobilicity, to the mega-giant, Telus, is one that’s been widely talked about in Canada for several weeks. While the sale was supposed to go through just over a week or so ago, things have stalled. The problem? There’s a rule set out by Industry Canada that don’t…

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27 May 2013
Julie Dickson will Resign from Post as OSFI Head in 2014

Anyone who’s been following the Canadian housing market over the past year is familiar with the name Julie Dickson. She’s the current head of the watchdog organization, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI,) and as of next year, she’s stepping down from her post. It was last week when media relations head…

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27 May 2013
Do You Have Maple Moolah?

Canadians are resistant to change, and if you don’t believe us, just look at the controversy surrounding the new bank notes the Bank of Canada has been unleashing since late last year. The newest controversy in the bank note debacle? Whether or not those notes smell like maple syrup. The Bank of Canada has received…

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26 May 2013
The Greenest Home in the Country

If you have solar panels on your roof, a windmill in your backyard, and nothing but energy-efficient appliances in your home, you may think you’ve been doing a pretty good job of keeping your home green. But once you see the greenest home in Canada, which is to be unveiled today, you might think that…

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26 May 2013
Canada Guaranty Finds New Way to Award Green Homes

Canada Guaranty is doing something that’s going to make mortgages and mortgage insurance more affordable for homeowners; and that will benefit the environment, too. They’re going to start giving rebates for energy efficient homes! Under the new program, homeowners who either purchase an energy-efficient home, or that obtain home renovation financing to make energy-efficient improvements…

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25 May 2013
FSCO Warns about Fraudster Brokers

In any industry there are going to be people that want to take advantage. Now sadly, the same is happening with mortgage brokers, and it’s gotten so bad that FSCO has gotten involved. FSCO is the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, and they oversee the insurance and pension industries in Ontario. They’re also responsible for…

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25 May 2013
RBC Actually does Something about Jobs

It was only three months ago that the news broke about RBC firing Canadian employees and outsourcing dozens of jobs to employees overseas so they could keep a little extra cash in their pockets. After one of those fired employees went to the media to shine light on this wrongdoing, the Canadian public became enraged…

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