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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

29 August 2013

As Our Debt Load Increases, Equifax says it’s Retirees that are Piling it On

It’s been no secret that Canadians are in trouble when it comes to their overall debt load, and our debt-to-income ratio is still hovering above the 160 per cent mark. That’s why when it was revealed last week by Equifax Canada that our debt load has increased once again, it was big news. And the…

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28 August 2013
Wanting to Rent in Toronto? Whether it’s Wise will Depend on Where You Are

Rental activity and condo construction is starting to go hand in hand in Toronto. But whether you’re looking for a unit to rent, or one to rent out, and how easy it will be to do, will all depend on where in the city you’re looking. For the first time in the city’s history, there were…

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27 August 2013
Why to Beware of Bankruptcy Trustees

For the past few days we’ve been looking at different ways you can deal with your debt, and all the various resources that will help you. Yesterday we also talked about how some of these resources, such as debt settlement companies, may not have your best interests at heart. But it’s not just debt settlement…

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26 August 2013
Why to Beware of Debt Settlement

A few days ago we outlined all the possible resources that can help you deal with your debt. And while they were all good venues to explore, they all also have their own elements that you need to beware of. Today we’ll look at debt settlement companies, one of the best solution for dealing with…

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25 August 2013
Moncton becoming Booming City for Young People

Up until even very recently, the Maritimes have been considered a somewhat desolate place. If you lived there the chances were good that you were either retired, or that you traveled out West regularly for work. That was especially true if you lived outside of the few booming metropolises that they have, such as Halifax….

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24 August 2013
Money Talks: Volume 39

With all the different mortgage requirements, household debt stats, and the new CMHC lenders’ limits, is it any surprise that the headlines this week are full of personal finance and mortgage talk? We’ve found the most interesting, and listed them below. Personal Finance How do you retire wealthy? By following at least a few of…

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23 August 2013
Bankruptcy and Credit Counselling to Help you Deal with Debt

Yesterday we took a look at three resources that can help you deal with your debt. And while mortgage brokers and real estate agents, bankers, and debt settlement companies are all great resources, sometimes they’re just not enough. Sometimes your debt situation has gotten so bad that you need an extreme debt solution. In cases…

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