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12 May 2010

Investors Group Survey Shows 62% of Canadians Planning to Carry Debt into Retirement.

So Much for Retiring Your Debt Before You Retire as 62% of Canadians Expect to Retire Still Carrying a Mortgage. I recently wrote about a new study conducted for RBC that revealed that four-in-10 Canadians over the age of 50 retired with debt.

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11 May 2010
Can You Handle Variable Rate Risk?

5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Taking a Variable Rate Mortgage. In these uncertain financial times, it’s the mortgage question that won’t go away: go variable or lock in?

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10 May 2010
Tax Refund – How are Canadians Spending their Money

Tax Refund – Are Canadians Using their Tax Refunds Wisely? According to the Canada Revenue Agency, the average Canadian will receive a refund of $1,400. What are you planning on doing with your refund?

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7 May 2010
81% of Canadian Homeowners are Comfortable with their Mortgage

Canadian Homeowners are not only Comfortable With Their Debt, They are Trying to Pay Down Their Mortgages Early. With all the worry over how increasing interest rates are going to affect Canadian mortgage holders.

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6 May 2010
Canadian Homeowners Taking a Different View on Homeownership

Canadian Homeowners are Learning New Ways to Appreciate their Homeownership.
While mortgage rate issues have been particularly prevalent across all types of media for the past while, it’s easy to forget that the central issue for most home owners revolves around how much they can expect their house to appreciate over time.

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5 May 2010
More and More Canadians Retiring with Debt

According to a New RBC study, 4 out of 10 Canadians Over 50 Have Retired with Debt. My parents recently sold their house and moved five hours south just to be closer to their grandkids.

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4 May 2010
Top 4 Home Renovations That Ad Value to Your Property

When it Comes to Home Renovations Spend Your Money on Items That Will Add Value to Your Property. So, you’ve recently bought a house, you’re looking at a fixer-upper, or are contemplating selling the home you already own and either up- or down-sizing.

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