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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

19 May 2010

Alberta – Mortgage Fraud Capital of Canada?

Gaps in Provincial Regulations Lead to Increasing Volume of Mortgage Fraud in Alberta.
Who knew, but apparently Alberta is the mortgage fraud capital of Canada.

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18 May 2010
Feeling Pressured to Co-Sign a Mortgage for a Relative or Friend?

Don’t Allow a Financial Institution to Pressure You Into Co-Signing for a Friend or Relative. Make Sure You Know All the Possible Outcomes.

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18 May 2010
Learn How to Consolidate Your Debt with a Home Equity Loan

Talk to Your Financial Advisor about Consolidating Your Debt with a Home Equity Loan to Ease the Pain of Monthly Payments.

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17 May 2010
Canadian Mortgage Rates Heading North Again.

Hold on Tight! Canadian Mortgage Rates are Giving us a Bumpy Ride. Mortgage rates have gone up yet again. This is starting to sound a little too familiar, isn’t it?

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17 May 2010
Canadian Housing Market Showing Signs of a Bubble.

Canada’s Real Estate Market Showing Signs of a Bubble, According to Edward Jones. According to a report recently released by investment firm Edward Jones, Canada’s real estate market is showing two of the three characteristics of a housing bubble.

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14 May 2010
Looking to Finance a Foreign Vacation Property?

With US Housing Prices as Low as They May Get, How Can You Get the Financing to Purchase Your Dream Getaway Property? In the middle of a typical Canadian winter, it’s difficult not to wonder what it would be like to be somewhere else – preferably somewhere sunny.

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13 May 2010
Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria Considered to Be in a Housing Bubble.

Three Major Canadian Cities Considered to be in a Housing Bubble. It seems lately that there’s been an excess of articles either confirming or denying that Canada is in a housing bubble – or at least parts of Canada are.

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