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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

22 June 2010

The Risk of Deflation

How Might Deflation Affect the Housing Market? For so many years, the question has always been “is inflation contained?” Well, it may be that we should be worrying about the opposite problem.

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22 June 2010
China Ends the Yuan Peg to the US Dollar in Time for the G20 Summit in Toronto

Just in Time for the G20 Summit, China Decides to End their Currency’s Tie to the Dollar. The Globe and Mail has a quite interesting info-graphic that illustrates some potential effects of China’s big move yesterday to end the Yuan’s peg to the US dollar.

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21 June 2010
Carrying Debt into Retirement is a Bold Move

Carrying Debt into Retirement Should be Your Last Resort. If you’re still steeped in debt, then retiring might not be the best option.

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21 June 2010
How Do You Know When It’s the Right Time to Buy a Home?

Here are a Few Financial and Personal Aspects to Consider When Buying a home. Buying a home is probably the biggest decision you have yet to make. As you make your decision, you must be considering a lot of factors.

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18 June 2010
Praise for Canadian Mortgage and Banking Practices

As the G20 summit approaches, the success of Canada’s economy is highlighted – a success due in large part to the stability of the Canada’s banking practices and a robust mortgage market.

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17 June 2010
Get Help Building a Debt Consolidation Plan

Debt Consolidation – Get Professional Advice from a Mortgage Broker. Households and individuals considering their debt consolidation options are in good company.

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16 June 2010
Seniors Turning to Reverse Mortgages in Canada

Seniors in Canada are Now Supplementing Their Retirement Income With Reverse Mortgages. A growing number of seniors have been turning to the reverse mortgage in order to supplement their retirement income or Social Security benefits.

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