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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

20 November 2011

Looking for a U.S. Vacation Property? Get Financing in Canada First!

With the late arrival of winter so far in Ontario, we’ve been pretty lucky. But temperatures are starting to drop, and those snow fall measurements are already starting to take place in many of our cities. Naturally, this is the time many Canadians start thinking about investing in a second home, and it’s usually somewhere warm, and it’s usually in the United States. Who wouldn’t want to leave the sleet and the snow for just a few weeks of fun in the sun and days on the beach? But, before you start packing up your swimsuit and beach ball, you need to get financed – in Canada – first!

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19 November 2011
A New Year’s Resolution – Review Your Home Equity

Every December, people start thinking about how they’re going to change their lives in the New Year. They’re going to quit smoking, or they’re going to lose weight, or they’re going to fix some other bad habit they currently have. But New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t just revolve around your lifestyle and what you’d like to change about it – they should also be about your life, and what you’re going to do with it in the coming year! That’s why this December, every homeowner should review their home equity, and determine if it could help them in 2012.

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18 November 2011
Why is it So Hard for the Self-Employed to get a Canada Mortgage?

Last month we kicked off our first mini-series with a close look at closing costs. This month, we explore another question that is at the front of Canadians’ minds: why is it so hard to get a Canada mortgage when you’re self-employed? In this first part of our mini-series, we’ll look at the reasons why the self-employed often have a hard time getting a mortgage; then, further on in the series, we’ll tell you about the options you have when you’re self-employed!

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17 November 2011
The Power of a 2nd Mortgage

Many people often tap into their home equity with a HELOC, home equity loan, or other kind of 2nd mortgage in order to make improvements on their home. But, what are the best improvements to make? Renovating the kitchen or upgrading the bathroom are two of the projects that homeowners think of first. But, there’s another home reno that won’t only improve the value of your home, it will actually give you money back! You can have it all, just by harnessing some solar energy.

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16 November 2011
Canadians and the Secured Line of Credit Test

Having, or getting, a ‘secured line of credit’ has become a very trendy term these days. With interest rates so low and the government imposing new rules to actually encourage this type of borrowing, it’s no wonder why. Secured lines of credit can be very beneficial, and are the answer many homeowners have been looking for. But, results from a poll recently done by Leger Marketing were released on Tuesday – and the results are enough to make any Canadian sit up and take notice. Especially if they have a secured line of credit.

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15 November 2011
Why Being Thirtysomething is So Financially Stressful

The thirtysomething years are supposed to be some of the best times of your life, right? You’ve probably already gotten your career off to a flying start (or at least now know what you want that career to be;) you might be married, maybe you even have a child, or several. And you may even own your own home; maybe even with your own car sitting in the driveway. So what’s to be stressed about? Easily summed up, all of the above.

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14 November 2011
Food Prices Predicted to Go Down in 2012

All the Canadian financial news lately has been mortgage news, it seems. Fixed rates are equaling variable rates, and even more importantly, rates are going to continue to stay low well into next year. This, Bank of Canada says, is in answer to a shaky global economy as well as a Canadian economy that is still rebounding from the recession. Now though, things are turning around on the flip side of the financial coin, and market and retail prices are predicted to go down in the near future. Of the most notable dips, is that of food prices.

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