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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

4 December 2011

Mortgage Debt for Canadians is Going Down

For months we’ve been hearing about how Canadians need to start taking their debt seriously. The federal government started that ball rolling early in the year, putting tighter restrictions on secured line of credit borrowing. Canadians in turn, started to take their own debt seriously. Maybe because of the economic uncertainty around the world, or maybe just to keep our economy’s head above water – something we managed to do even during the recession. But among all the talk, there was always one exception – mortgages

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3 December 2011
Need a Co-Signer or a Guarantor? Know the Difference!

As Toronto mortgage brokers, it’s something we see quite often. A person wants to apply for a mortgage, but they know they won’t qualify on their own (or they just found out that they won’t.) Panic-stricken, they start reaching for any option available. Can they get a co-signer? A guarantor? Who can they ask? Whoa, hold on a second! A co-signer and a guarantor are two very different things, and it’s important that you understand them both. So that when the time comes to ask, you’ll know what you’re asking of the person.

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2 December 2011
Canadians are Saving Money on Refinancing – and You Can Too!

Things have been good for the Canadian economy in the past 10 – 11 months or so. And despite naysayers touting that interest rates are going to spike, and that we’re not saving enough for that potential economic downfall, that’s just not happening. In fact, the opposite is true

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1 December 2011
How to Really Save While Shopping Online for the Holidays

Canadians are trying to reduce their debt, and we’re trying to keep more in our savings too. Good for us, but the holidays are a very hard time to do either of those things. And if you’re like most Canadians, to keep on track, you’ve been keeping your ear to the ground listening for those ever-important money-saving holiday tips. There are a lot of them, but the one that comes up most often: do most of your shopping online! Yes, shopping online is definitely much more convenient, and it can save you money, as more retailers are starting to offer online-only discounts. But in order to make sure that shopping your PJ’s is really saving you money make sure to have these tips close at hand so you don’t end up taking out a second mortgage just to pay for the holidays.

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30 November 2011
Why do I Need to Pre-Qualify for a Mortgage

If you’ve already been out searching for your next dream home, you might find that a lot of sellers require potential buyers to pre-qualify for a mortgage. For many buyers, there’s little that will strike more fear in their hearts. What is pre-qualifying for a mortgage? Is that a complicated process, and will it drag out the process of you getting that dream home? And most of all, why do you need to pre-qualify in the first place?

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29 November 2011
What is an Underwater Mortgage?

Thankfully, even with the recession that hit in 2008, the Canadian housing market never really suffered all that badly, and we didn’t have thousands of underwater mortgages on the market. But the U.S. did, and lots of people lost their homes because of it. Now, the housing market in the United States is the best it’s been in 5 months, and people are rejoicing at the number of underwater mortgages going down. While this is obviously great news, it has a lot of people (in Canada and the U.S.) asking the same thing: just what the heck is an underwater mortgage?

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28 November 2011
Self-Employed and Getting a Mortgage: Get your Documents Ready!

For the past two weeks we’ve been exploring the different ways to get around the obstacles of obtaining a mortgage when you’re self-employed, and the many options that are available for those that work for themselves when it comes to home loans. But the process of getting a mortgage when you’re self-employed can be a bit more complicated than if you have a paycheque coming from the Big Boss every two weeks; and being armed with all the documentation you’ll need will help you get your mortgage that much quicker.

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