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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

11 December 2011

Canadians Doing Nothing About Debt

“There’s been a lot of talk this year about us Canadians and our debt. And a lot of that talk has revolved around how we know just how much debt we have and that we’re not worried about it. But, do we really know how much debt we’re currently holding? And if so, why aren’t…

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10 December 2011
Do Women Get a Worse Deal on Their Mortgages?

“True, speaking in general terms, it’s probably safe to say that women usually enjoy shopping more than men. But that doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to their mortgages, and it could be costing them a bundle throughout the term of their mortgage. The information comes from a new study published by…

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9 December 2011
New Rental Guidelines Leave Tenants Pleased, Landlords Angry

“Vancouver was the first to see it; and now, a long line of rental shortages is happening all across the country. One reason for this is because of the good conditions in the housing market. As home prices continue to rise, more and more people are finding renting a more viable and affordable option. The…

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8 December 2011
ING will Only Offer Collateral Mortgages; what are they?

“Following a move that TD Canada Trust made this past October, ING, the bank known for helping you “save your money” will now also only be offering collateral mortgages to their customers. The move has many consumers outraged, while it has others asking, “Just what is a collateral mortgage?” A collateral mortgage is one that…

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7 December 2011
Should you Pay your Canada Mortgage with a Credit Card?

“So often we speak of the evil of credit cards. How they’re high interest rates are going to keep you locked into debt for years to come, and how they’re considered “bad” debt in the finance world. But let’s be realistic. There are times when having a credit card to fall back on can be…

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6 December 2011
Four Ways to Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance

“A mortgage is expensive enough, right? So you definitely don’t want to be paying more than you have to on it. But, you might have to if you require private mortgage insurance. Private mortgage insurance is insurance that covers the lender should you default on the loan. It really holds no benefit to the homeowner,…

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5 December 2011
What’s the Better Choice for Retirees – HELOCs or Reverse Mortgages?

“With the millions of baby boomers already retiring, and the millions more that are set to in the coming years, many of those boomers are starting to think seriously about what they’ll do for income in their golden years; and they’re continually trying to find ways to make a few more dollars available. Of the…

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