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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

7 January 2012

What are High-Risk Mortgages?

Many people think that in order to get a mortgage in Canada, you must have a great credit score, and generally this is true. However, there is a certain type of mortgage, called a high-risk mortgage, that allows people even with blemished credit to still become a homeowner in Canada. So when your credit score…

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6 January 2012
What’s Better for Retirees: Reverse Mortgage or Secured Line of Credit?

Retirees certainly aren’t out of options when it comes to borrowing against their home equity. Reverse mortgages, home equity loans, and HELOCs are all options; and while this might sound like it’s giving seniors the best of everything, it can also be overwhelming because homeowners don’t know which one is best for them. It usually…

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5 January 2012
Should a Review of CMHC be Taken?

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has helped millions of Canadian homeowners obtain a mortgage. But now the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a report that suggests a review of the CMHC practices may be necessary, and that there may be a better way of doing things. The IMF is a global organization…

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4 January 2012
Should You Borrow to Invest?

Borrowing to invest is a strategy that many investment professionals often tout. But, is it a really good idea? And should you put your home on the line so that you can invest, and maybe get tenfold the money back? When talking about borrowing to invest, you first need to look at what you’re borrowing…

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3 January 2012
More News on Boomers and the Housing Market

Back in September we talked about the Canadian Press report that showed some of the dramatic changes the Baby Boomers will be making on the housing market in the years to come. Now, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has come out with a report of their own, looking at the same stats for Baby…

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2 January 2012
Still Haven’t Made Your Resolutions?

Many people spent their New Year’s Eve thinking about their resolutions and what they were going to change in 2012. But, if you’re one who hasn’t quite decided what you want to focus on, here are five financial resolutions that will help you this year, and for many more to come. Pay off your principal…

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1 January 2012
A Financial Look Back

It’s a New Year! A time to look forward and hope for a new day. But before we start all that, let’s first take a look back at all the changes that took place last year, and how that may affect the year ahead. Tighter Mortgage Rules It was very early in the year when…

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