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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

25 February 2012

Should You Trade Debt for an Education?

It’s a dilemma that the majority of senior high school students, and some adults later in life, find themselves asking. Should you go into debt in exchange for a good education? It’s no secret that tuition costs in Canada are extremely high, and they’re no joke either. Earlier this month, students across the country held…

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24 February 2012
Canadians Relying too Much on Home Equity, says Bank of Canada

Early in January Canadians gave themselves a collaborative pat on the back when we found out that we’re getting better at paying off our credit card debt. But, we might want to hold up just a second on that congratulatory pat. The Bank of Canada now says that we have another kind of debt to…

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23 February 2012
Ottawa and Mortgage Brokers Don’t See Eye to Eye

Ottawa is concerned about rising household debt levels. And they want to make sure that individuals aren’t taking on more debt  at a time when they can least afford it. Mortgage brokers agree that people shouldn’t take on debt they can’t properly handle, but they don’t think there’s any danger of that happening in exponential…

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22 February 2012
Mortgage Fraud Hitting an All-Time High in Canada

Here’s some disturbing news. Mortgage fraud in Canada has risen 150% just over the last year. What is mortgage fraud? According to Wikipedia, it is “crime in which the intent to materially misrepresent or omit information on a mortgage loan application to obtain a loan or to obtain a larger loan than would have been…

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21 February 2012
Handling HELOCs Properly

The Globe and Mail recently published an article talking about home equity lines of credit, and the pitfalls that many homeowners can run into when using them as a borrowing tool. In the article Stephanie Holmes-Winston, president of The Money Finder talked about the mistakes she sees homeowners continually making with HELOCs; and how those…

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20 February 2012
The Rental Debate

Everyone knows that buying a home is better than renting one. When you rent, you throw your money away every single month by giving it to someone who can invest it for themselves. When you own, you use a little money every month to make an investment for yourself. Obviously, ownership wins. But for the…

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19 February 2012
Do we Really Have too Much Debt?

It really does seem like we’ve been listening to warnings about our debt for far too long, doesn’t it? For at least a year Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Bank of Canada governor, Mark Carney have been harping on us to lower our debt and to stop taking on any more. They even tightened mortgage…

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