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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

29 February 2012

When it comes to Retirement Planning, Boomers wish they’d done Differently

The Boomers are often looked upon as a privileged bunch. A group of happy-go-lucky retirees, or soon-to-be retirees, that have more access and more money heading into their Golden Years than any generation before them. But, Boomers have their problems too; and many of them aren’t skipping off into the sunset. Instead, they’re looking back…

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29 February 2012
Are You Making a Huge RRSP Payment Today?

Today is the absolute, no-joke last day you can contribute to your RRSPs if you want to take advantage of the tax benefits they offer for the 2011 tax year. And while ideally, you will have been saving and scrimping a little off each paycheque throughout all of last year like a good little investor,…

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28 February 2012
Early Teen Years Critical Time for Financial Thinking

All parents know how important the early childhood years are for brain development. It’s in the first few infant years when parents teach children the basics about colours, shapes, musical rhythms, walking, talking, and even what language they’re going to speak. And while trying to teach your child everything you can during these early years…

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28 February 2012
Shortage of Women = Greater Spending for Men

If the way to a man’s heart is through their stomach, the way to a woman’s is through a big pocketbook. That’s what men often think at least, according to a new study done by the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. The study showed that when there are more women than men living…

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27 February 2012
Canadian Credit Debt Rises, but we Shouldn’t Panic

One would think that with the latest stats released by the TransUnion credit reporting firm, saying that credit spending was up by Canadians late last year, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and the Bank of Canada would have reason to worry. They have, after all, been continuously warning us that the low interest rate party in…

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27 February 2012
Housing Market Slow Last Month

The Canadian Real Estate Association announced last week that home sales across the country dropped by 4.5% from the month before. The news is not that surprising, as the winter months are often slow in the market with homebuyers spending time and money on holiday shopping, and then trying to catch up on that spending….

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26 February 2012
How can you Save Money on your Home? Stay in it!

Homeowners are always looking to save money on their homes. Whether it’s by installing energy efficient appliances, making renovations that increase the value, or just turning lights off when they leave a room – it’s clear that we don’t want to spend a penny more on our homes than we have to. But what’s really…

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