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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

22 March 2012

Chief of BMO Defends Low Mortgage Rates

The Bank of Montreal may have cleared it with Ottawa before they started the second Canadian mortgage war in three months, but there are still many critics who say their timing couldn’t be worse. For the past two years the Canadian government has been warning us about our ever-increasing levels of household debt, with louder…

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21 March 2012
More Canadians Choose to Renovate, Rather than Relocate

When it comes to things breaking down or needing repair and updating in a home, it seems that most Canadians would rather fix it than nix it, according to the 19th Annual RBC Homeownership Poll. Results from that survey show that 63% of Canadians would rather make home renovations than find a new place to…

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21 March 2012
Selling your home in Toronto? You’ll Probably get full Asking Price

There’s good news for anyone that’s looking to sell their home in Toronto – and perhaps a little bit of bad news for those that are looking to buy one. The Toronto Real Estate Board has issued their report for resale housing figures in the GTA and it shows that those selling their home in…

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20 March 2012
Will Toronto’s Housing Market Cool off on its Own?

It’s no secret that today, Toronto mortgages seem like something reserved for only the most wealthy. Just last month the average price of a home in Toronto was $502,508, compared with $453,329 just a year earlier in February 2011. But it’s not just this sharp increase that has many concerned. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty keeps…

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20 March 2012
Housing Market Help may be on its Way

It seems that there’s been worry over Canada’s housing market since forever now. Rising home prices, interest rates that are eventually going to rise, and historic levels of household debt are enough to make any Canadian worry; and to keep Mark Carney up at night. But now, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions…

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19 March 2012
A New Service Could Save Investors and Homebuyers Money

Whether you’re buying your first home or purchasing investment property, you always need to know the condition of the property and its history, right? Of course, and now there’s a service that makes obtaining that information even easier for homebuyers and investors alike; and it’s called Morin’s HomeProf Report. Morin’s HomeProf Report pulls from an…

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19 March 2012
Home Prices Could Rise, Home Builders Say

Among all the talk of a housing bubble in Canada, many experts have stated that we should all relax because housing prices are expected to go down 5-10% within the next year. But according to members of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association, with the cost of lot prices increasing, and stricter constructions standards, the cost…

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