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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

1 August 2012

Ready for a Home? Here are 3 Determining Factors

Buying a home is a big decision. And taking on a mortgage is going to be the biggest responsibility you take on in your lifetime. So are you ready for it? It’s the question that homebuyers ask themselves before they actually start searching the market. And now the question is, are you ready? Here are…

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1 August 2012
What Effect will Target have on Canada’s Economy?

Since last year there has been a ton of talking going on about Target making the move into Canada and wiping out hundreds of Zellers stores across the country. But just like anything else that’s going to have a major effect on the economy, it’s an issue that has a lot of debate surrounding it….

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31 July 2012
Keep Counting Pennies until 2013!

When the federal government announced that it cost more to make a penny than to keep a penny, they said that the penny would no longer be in circulation come this fall. But now after an outcry from retailers, that date has been pushed back to February 4, 2013. When Finance Minister Jim Flaherty took…

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31 July 2012
What do the New OSFI Rules Mean for You?

While everyone’s talking about the new mortgage changes that went into effect on July 9, the new proposed changes by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) have gone almost unnoticed by consumers. But, depending on the province you live in and the type of lender you want to use, by the year’s…

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30 July 2012
What are your Mortgage Options when Going Through a Divorce?

Going through a divorce can be an extremely painful and difficult thing for everybody involved. But add to that the fact that you have a Toronto mortgage and things can really get complicated. So what are you supposed to do with your mortgage once you start going through a divorce? Luckily, unlike anything else that…

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30 July 2012
Things to Know when Buying a Vacation Property

Buying a vacation property can be even more exciting than buying your first home was. Now you most likely own your first property (at least the greater portion of it,) you know all about how the buying and mortgage process works; and this time, you’ve thought of everything. Or at least, you think you have….

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29 July 2012
Q & A: Mortgages for Self-Employed in Ontario

It’s no secret that getting a self-employed mortgage anywhere in the nation is pretty tough right now. The banks restricting their lending practices and the federal government imposing new rules every day has made this type of mortgage even more confusing and has left self-employed homebuyers with even more questions. Here are those questions you’ve…

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