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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

23 August 2012

Canadians back Further in Debt

What happened? We were doing so well! A new report from TransUnion shows that while Canadians might have been successful at bringing our debt down for a little while, we’ve been backsliding some. And now, our debt levels are at the highest they’ve been in eight years – and maybe more. TransUnion has only been…

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23 August 2012
Five Ways to Save Money in University

September is just around the corner and thousands of students around the country are getting ready to pack their bags and head off in the search for higher education. But there’s something else university students get along with all of that knowledge. And we’re not talking about the Freshman 15. It’s bills. With university comes…

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22 August 2012
Five Way to Save up for a Down Payment

In our last post we talked about how saving up for a 20 per cent down payment on a $295,000 home would mean saving up $59,000 – just for the down payment. Not surprisingly, that’s far out of many homebuyers’ reach – especially first-time homebuyers. The problem is that the rate of return on savings…

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22 August 2012
The Down Payment Dilemma

Save up for a down payment on your home that’s at least 10 per cent of the home’s value. That’s the standard first piece of advice given to anyone that wants to buy a home. And it makes sense. The more of a down payment you have, the lower your overall loan amount will be,…

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21 August 2012
What do You Think of an “Asian-Looking” Woman on Our Money?

The Bank of Canada just can’t win. They try so hard to be politically correct and yet, they end up getting burned no matter what they do. The BoC debate is surrounding the $100 bill that went into circulation last November – but that’s not when the debate began. That time came last week, when…

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21 August 2012
The Debate Over a Few Toronto Mortgages

With all the debate over Toronto condos that’s been going on for the last several months, there are a few units in particular that are causing a huge stir in the city. The concern over these units is not that they’re overpriced or that they’re contributing to an already overheated market. Nope. The worry with…

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20 August 2012
The One Type of Housing Hard to Find in Toronto

There might continue to be talk about too much stock on the Toronto housing market, but there’s one area of Toronto housing that is seeing a shortage – that’s social housing. This comes from researchers at the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association, who have just released a report (view the full version here) saying that there…

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