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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

16 October 2012

How Much is Ontario’s Debt?

Ontario’s in bad shape when it comes to debt. And while Quebec may often be cited as “Canada’s poorest province,” Ontario isn’t far behind. But just how much does Ontario currently owe? And just how much has Ontario’s debt increased over the past ten years? What are the reasons for that increase? These are just…

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15 October 2012
How Much is Canada’s Debt?

Debt is becoming such a huge concern for Canadians that we’re dedicating this entire week to taking a closer look at debt in our country. Throughout the miniseries we’ll look at national and provincial debt; as well as municipal debt in some of Canada’s biggest cities. Of course we’ll also be looking at household and…

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15 October 2012
What Factors Affect the Toronto Housing Market? Where does it Stand Today?

There are a number of factors that affect the Toronto housing market. Those factors are always at play, they’re always changing, and they can be overwhelming. So just what are those elements that are constantly evolving? What can we learn from the effects they’ve had in the past; and where does Toronto’s housing market stand…

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14 October 2012
Would You Move to Make More Money?

Would you move to make more money? Even if it meant moving across the country? It’s an interesting question. And when you consider how often we’re compared to the States, comparisons in this area show that we’re vastly different from our southerly neighbours once again. The World Bank has found that 3% of American workers…

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14 October 2012
Banks Fought New OSFI HELOC Rules

There have been a lot of changes to home financing and home borrowing lately. Of those changes the most to be talked about lately was the one Finance Minister Jim Flaherty imposed in July, lowering the amount homeowners could borrow against their home equity to 80 per cent. And while this new regulation has gotten…

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13 October 2012
A Look at Canada’s Housing Bubble

Just this morning we talked about a piece in the National Post; and questioned a stat within it stating that sub-prime mortgages make up half of Canada’s mortgage market. Within that same piece though, there were many interesting stats and observations that are also worth taking a closer look at. Home prices are up almost…

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13 October 2012
Do Sub-Prime Mortgages Really Make Up Half of the Market?

Just over a week ago the National Post ran a very interesting, and very thorough, article taking a look at the housing bubble in Canada. Within the article were some startling, and alarming, facts. One of them was that Canada’s sub-prime mortgage market now currently makes up 50% of the Canadian mortgage market. But is…

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