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22 November 2012

Credit Reporting Mistakes More Common Now than Ever in Canada

Have you checked your credit report lately? Have you really checked it? Gone over it with a fine-toothed comb and a magnifying glass? If not, it’s time to do so. An investigation by CBC News has just found that the number of mistakes on the credit reports of Canadians are up to a dangerous high. And those mistakes…

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21 November 2012
The Picture of Provincial Debt in Canada: Part 3, Alberta

Before the 1970s, Alberta was known as The Bible Belt of Canada. It was here that church attendance was the highest, and the right-wing philosophy certainly played along with Biblical family values. Much of this may still be true today. But when you’re speaking about Alberta in 2012, it’s likely not images of Bibles or…

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20 November 2012
A Picture of Provincial Debt: Part 2, British Columbia

The fiscal year in B.C. was a busy one this year. They held a referendum on the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and they saw the seats of both their Premier and Minister of Finance change hands. This meant a number of budgets that were only up for a matter of months, and emergency fiscal updates…

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20 November 2012
Did Ottawa go Too Far with New Mortgage Rules?

There’s little doubt that the latest round of mortgage rule changes have significantly impacted the mortgage and housing market in Canada already. Sales in September dropped by 15 per cent, and while last month was a bit busier, October still showed a 7.8 per cent slow down in home sales across the country. It’s this…

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19 November 2012
The Picture of Provincial Debt in Canada: Part 1

Canada’s total net debt, as of November 7, 2012, was $594,944,869,323.47 CDN. That number can seem overwhelming to just about anybody. But what about the provinces within the country? Where do they stand when it comes to the total amount of debt that they hold; and which province is Canada’s poorest? These are the things…

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19 November 2012
Trump Tower Developers Suing Investors for Backing out of Toronto Mortgages

There’s a lot of trouble currently happening with Toronto’s Trump International Hotel & Tower, and it’s gotten litigious. Investors are having trouble securing a Toronto mortgage, meaning that they can’t close on those units. Because they can’t close on those units, but have committed to buy them, the developers of the condo, Talon International Inc.,…

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19 November 2012
The Canadian housing market conundrum awaits a faster and easier fix

According to a recent announcement made by Moody’s rating agency, a majority of the largest Canadian banks are likely to suffer a credit downgrade. This stirs up the fears of rising debt levels amongst consumers as they look to refinance their homes. The housing prices are also not going to be free from a substantial price…

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