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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

30 November 2012

Money Talks: Volume 2

The debate continues as to whether the recent round of mortgage rules changes have helped or hurt the industry and as always, we’ve found the best financial advice from around the Web. With that being said, let’s take a look at what money talks have been happening this week. CAAMP (Canadian Associated of Accredited Mortgage…

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30 November 2012
Canadian Consumer Debt Continues to Climb

It seems we just can’t get over debt here in Canada. Or rather, we can’t stop piling it on. Just when the numbers start to show that we’re making headway on it, and that we’ve stemmed the spending, another one comes out saying that we’ve once again gotten ourselves in far too deep. That’s just…

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29 November 2012
Picture of Provincial Debt: Part 11, Newfoundland & Labrador

The picture of debt in Newfoundland and Labrador, like so many other provinces, is a conflicted one. Due to a steady decline in fishing and forestry industries in the early 2000s, Newfoundland & Labrador was often thought of as a “have-not” province. It never saw the huge influx of its populations as provinces out West,…

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29 November 2012
Forget about Underwater Mortgages, What about Your Car?

We’ve talked a lot on this blog before about housing bubbles in Canada. What they are, whether there is one, isn’t one…it’s a subject that’s been just about beat to death. But there’s good reason for hammering away at this particular subject. With housing bubbles come falling home values shortly after, and that means underwater…

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28 November 2012
Picture of Provincial Debt: Part 10, Prince Edward Island

At first glance, the picture of provincial debt in Prince Edward Island could indeed look grim. P.E.I. is the third most indebted province in all of Canada behind Ontario and Quebec, with a total net debt of $1.8 billion, that’s currently 34% of the province’s GDP. But aside from these alarming statistics, it might be…

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28 November 2012
How Much are You Spending on Christmas this Year?

The American Thanksgiving bells have chimed, and even here north of the border we’ve had just about all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday madness that we can stand. But we’ll take just a short rest (maybe some of us will even hold out until the weekend!) before we start splurging on the next…

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27 November 2012
The Picture of Provincial Debt: Part 9, Nova Scotia

The picture of debt in Nova Scotia is a conflicting one for sure. Nova Scotia has one of the lowest debt loads in the country, both in total public debt, and debt per capita. And while the recession was certainly felt in this province, you can barely tell by looking at the total amount of…

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