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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

22 December 2012

Need Last Minute Gifts for Your Kids? Take the Opportunity to Teach them About Money!

If you’re like most people this close to Christmas, you’re going to be busy running around getting all those last-minute gifts that either slipped your mind, or you’re still wondering what to get. But do your kids appear anywhere on that list? Do you still need to buy one something to even it out? Or…

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22 December 2012
Quick Facts on Canadian Mortgages

The panic that has surrounded Canadian mortgages has gotten a bit out of control. Yes, our rules are tighter; and yes, the housing and mortgage market is going to slow down for a bit. But we’re still okay!! Whenever you’re tempted to become too depressed about the “dismal” state of today’s market, just review these quick…

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21 December 2012
Money Talks: Volume 5

It’s the Christmas season, and who isn’t thinking about their finances? This week we have all kinds of money-saving tips for you and the hottest news from the mortgage market. Without further ado, let’s get started! Personal Finance This week, the Canadian Finance Blog examined the true cost of certain items, and how cheap doesn’t…

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21 December 2012
Will the Land Transfer Tax Move to Mississauga?

Ask around to different buyers around Toronto on how they feel about the price of a home in the city. Along with the moans of climbing prices and properties that are way out of budget, you’re also likely to hear about the Toronto land transfer tax. This tax is placed on any property purchased, in…

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20 December 2012
Want to Save Money this Christmas? Shop at the Dollar Store!

Many Canadians most likely pop into the dollar store at some point or another during their Christmas holiday shopping. Whether it’s to pick up a kitchen gadget to help with that turkey dinner, or just to get those last remaining stocking stuffers that you still need, just about all of us makes that trip at…

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20 December 2012
Canadians Beat Another Record for Household Debt Levels

Canadians have broken another record. But this is not one to boast about. Even amid all the warnings and lectures from the Finance Minister and the Bank of Canada, we continue to pile on our debt. Now, our debt levels stand at 164.4 per cent for the third quarter – a drastic increase from the…

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19 December 2012
More Canadians Prepaying Their Mortgages

You’ve heard it all before. You should be pre-paying your mortgage. It’s the best way to become mortgage-free faster. And while experts, analysts and bankers have been giving us this prepayment lecture, it turns out – we’ve actually been listening! According to CAAMP, over the past two decades homeowners have cut the length of their…

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