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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

26 December 2012

Boxing Day Stats

Boxing Day is a huge shopping holiday for Canadians and to us, it’s still bigger than Black Friday or even Cyber Monday. But just how many people are hitting the stores, and who are they are buying for? These are just two questions that BMO asked in their latest survey, trying to get a better…

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26 December 2012
Boxing Day Shopping Tips

We’ve already brought you some great tips about Christmas shopping, but now it’s time to get ready for the next big spendfest – Boxing Day! If you’re braving the crowds and the lines this year, here are some tips to help you out. Create a budget Yes, Christmas is over and maybe you don’t have…

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25 December 2012
Christmas in Canada

Merry Christmas! On this wonderful holiday as you’re claiming that last bit of turkey, sipping that glass of wine, or unwrapping the last few presents, we’re not going to bore you with details about mortgages or lines of credit. It’s the holidays, and we want to add a little fun to yours! To do so,…

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25 December 2012
Do You Say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays?”

Merry Christmas! Or, is it Happy Holidays? It used to be that we always used to say “Merry Christmas” around holiday time. It would start early December and typically be over on Boxing Day. But somewhere along the way, Canada became a hugely multicultural nation and things had to change. With so many different cultures,…

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24 December 2012
Getting Ready for Christmas Day!

Your gifts are all bought (and if they’re not at this point you’re going to have to wait until Boxing Day,) the tree is up, and all you have to do is wait for Santa to visit before opening presents on Christmas morning. But is that really all you have to do? Use these tips to…

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24 December 2012
7 Facts About Christmas Trees – and 1 Nice Story

In Canada, we not only love our Christmas trees, but we love to give them away too! Here are some facts about Christmas trees that you may not have known before. And once you do, you may just be surprised at how many Christmas trees there actually are in our great nation! 1.) Canada exported…

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23 December 2012
What is a Short Sale?

Short sales. They’re a seller’s worst nightmare, and a bargain buyer’s dream. But just what are they? And does “short sale” mean “fire sale” in the sense that you should run out and buy the property before it’s taken off the market? A short sale occurs when a property sells for less than what’s currently…

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