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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

8 January 2013

Fans and Small Businesses Rejoice – the NHL Lockout is Over!!

Just after it began, all those long months ago, we looked at what effect the NHL lockout would have on the Canadian economy. Thanks to Doug Porter, chief economist at BMO, we found that it really wouldn’t have that great an impact. Mr. Porter found that the NHL lockout would only bring our GDP down…

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8 January 2013
A New Set of Changes is on the Way!

No, thankfully we’re not talking about any more mortgage rule changes. But the federal government has once again taken steps to reign in their spending and help with our national deficit. This time, EI was the program on the chopping block, and some very big changes were made to it that will affect thousands of…

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7 January 2013
Mortgage Rules to Increase Rent in 2013

Just this morning we brought you some of the biggest changes the Canadian mortgage market is likely to experience in the upcoming year. But there’s one that will have such an impact on everyone – especially if you still haven’t found your dream home – that we thought it deserved an entire post dedicated to…

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7 January 2013
Predictions for 2013 Mortgage Market

It’s just one week into this brand new year and already, some of the biggest story lines of the year are already unfolding. Everyone’s keeping a close eye on both the United States and the Euro zone to see what unfolds there (and will have an impact here,) and there are already some big indicators…

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6 January 2013
Little Change in 2012 Toronto Housing Market vs. 2011

Thanks to an extremely hot first half of the year last year, the Toronto housing market saw very little change from 2011 to 2012. While prices did dip somewhat, overall there was very little change in 2012 from the year before. This may come as a surprise to some, as the latter part of 2012…

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6 January 2013
10 Worst Places to Live in Canada: Part 11, Thetford Mines, Quebec

Yesterday we talked about Leamington, Ontario being ranked as one of the worst places to live due to the lack of public transit in the area. We were doubtful and so, we did some research and found out whether or not it was really all that bad. Turns out, the lack of transit really is that…

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5 January 2013
What is the CMB Program, and How does it Help Borrowers and Brokers?

Most Canadians have heard of CMHC, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation that provides mortgage insurance for thousands of homeowners. Chances are, you either think they’re a great organization doing great things, or you think they need to have their insurance ceiling squashed, not extended. But whatever your thoughts are about CMHC as the Crown…

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