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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

12 January 2013

Who’s Responsible for Making Sure You Have Enough to Retire?

Recently, the Institute for Research on Public Policy comprised a survey and found that over half of Canadians who are over 40 and have yearly gross incomes of $35,000 to $80,000 will lose about 25 per cent of the income they’re currently making once they enter retirement. After first hearing this, it may not come…

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11 January 2013
Money Talks: Volume 8

This week’s edition of Money Talks is a busy one, as everyone is back at it on the blogosphere after the holiday lull, and everyone’s got a lot to say! That being said, let’s dive right in and take a look at the best stuff we found this week. Personal Finance Need a little (or…

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11 January 2013
When Home Renovation DIY goes Awry

According to a recent survey done by BMO, nearly half (49 per cent) of homeowners about to embark on home renovations are planning to do the work themselves. Regardless of whether or not they’re applying for home renovation financing in order to fund those projects, homeowners often opt for the DIY route as a way…

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10 January 2013
A Few Things to Stock Up On in 2013

So December 21st came and went without any major changes or shifts in the world’s climate patterns. New Year’s Eve came and went without any major computer malfunctions (we know, that one was over a decade ago, but we’re just talking here.) Yes, 2012 went out pretty smoothly, with a fiscal cliff deal and all,…

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10 January 2013
Home Prices and Sales are Only Softening, No Matter Who You Ask

Remember six months ago, when Finance Minister Jim Flaherty imposed all those mortgage rules? And remember the outrage that soon flew around the country, saying that the Conservatives would be responsible when our housing market collapsed? So many at the time were gearing up for this huge crash that would see homes plunging in value,…

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9 January 2013
What’s New with the Fiscal Cliff? And what does it Mean for Canada?

We might have been waiting anxiously for midnight, but not for the same reasons as Americans did. Of course some of our minds may have been lingering on the fiscal cliff, but more likely they were busy toasting new friends and old, dancing the night away, or well, just dreaming while we were fast asleep….

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9 January 2013
It’s Getting to be RRSP Season!

We know, we’re still nearly two months away from that dreaded March 1, 2013 deadline. Once that day hits, you can no longer contribute to your RRSP and still claim that money on your income taxes. Of course you can make smaller contributions throughout the year to get you up to that maximum mark and…

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