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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

19 January 2013

Small Ways to Save Real Money

Every one of us is always looking for more ways that we can save a buck or two. After all, who doesn’t like to have more money in their pocket? For that reason, we’ve put together a list of small ways you can save real money. Save for the down payment on your home. Yes,…

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19 January 2013
Should You Borrow to Make RRSP Contributions?

It’s RRSP season and just the other day we brought you a list of the most commonly asked RRSP FAQs. But there’s one question that’s so common, and so complex to answer, that we thought we’d dedicate an entire post to it. That question is: should you borrow to make RRSP contributions? Sometimes the answer is…

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18 January 2013
Money Talks: Volume 9

There was more than just hockey to talk about this week! From employment insurance, to household debt, to investing in the States, there was a lot of chatter going on in finance this week around the Web. And as usual, we’ve rounded up only the best for you. Here’s what we found. Mortgages There are…

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18 January 2013
Mortgage Lending Slowing, Household Debt Continues to Rise

Experts have weighed in from all across the country, and we can now say it’s officially true. Canada’s housing market is now in the midst of the soft landing we all saw coming. But instead of panicking that we’re headed for a period of doom and gloom, several bank chief executives met in Toronto this…

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17 January 2013

RRSPs. The mere mention of them may make your eyes glass over and your mind start to wander. Or, maybe the idea of RRSPs and preparing for your future is something that excites you – it definitely should! For the former group, talking about and dealing with RRSPs can be a bite overwhelming simply because…

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16 January 2013
Home Renovation Programs to help with Home Renovation Financing

We’ve talked before about the Ontario Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit, a government return on certain renovations made to make your home healthier, mostly for senior citizens. But what about if you need home renovation financing before you actually start making repairs? What if you need renovations done to your home, but just can’t afford to pay…

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16 January 2013
Has the Cooling Peaked?

It can no longer be argued whether or not the Canadian mortgage and housing market is cooling. The newest stats have been released, comparing the 2011 market with that of 2012, and the stats can seem bleak, depending on which side of the fence you’re sitting. Total sales dropped by a whopping 17.4 per cent…

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