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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

23 January 2013

How Active is Your Neighbourhood?

James Sallis is a psychologist in San Diego that has recently studied the effects of neighbourhoods on our own physical fitness, health, and overall well-being. The results that he found were interesting and although American, probably fit very well within what we can expect out of Canada’s neighbourhoods, as well. The Montreal Gazette has put together…

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22 January 2013
There’s Something Weird Happening in Toronto – Bidding Wars!

There’s something weird going on in Toronto. And while strange happenings and oddities are nothing new to this city, this latest weirdness is really shaking some Toronto Realtors. They’re bidding wars, and they’re happening over and over again. In a city where the housing market has been sleeping soundly for the past several months. “I…

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22 January 2013
Mortgage Rules not to Keep You Out, but to Keep You Thinking

There’s been a lot of talk about how Mr. Flaherty and the rest of the Conservative government wants to keep as many people out of the housing market as possible. After all, they’ve shortened the amortization periods on insured mortgages to the point where it’s simply too expensive for a homeowner to take out mortgage…

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21 January 2013
Emotional Connection with Mortgage Brokers Very Important for Consumers

Just this morning we covered a few of the results found in CAAMP’s Highlights from CAAMP’s Fall 2012 Consumer and Industry Surveys report. Those results, focusing on things such as the financial situation of Canadians, and how we as a country feel about the mortgage and housing industry, showed a disconnect. While Canadians surveyed indicated that…

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21 January 2013
How do Canadians Feel About the Canadian Mortgage Market?

The Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP) recently released their report, Highlights from CAAMP’s Fall 2012 Consumer and Industry Surveys, a report focused on the Canadian mortgage market, and how the individuals within it feel about it. The results were very interesting as they show that for the most part, there’s a certain disconnect between how…

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20 January 2013
Why We May not Be So Bad Off in Retirement After All

There’s been a lot of concern – especially among those just a generation or so younger than Baby Boomers – about retirement. With new Old Age Security requirements, we’ll be working longer; and speaking of those Boomers, the government may not have enough left after their retirement years to support those younger generations. Never mind…

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20 January 2013
Calgary Real Estate Bucking All Trends Again!

While there has been panic surrounding the national housing market in December, there’s been one city that’s been shunning all trends; and it might not surprise you to know it’s Calgary. Calgary was in fact, the only city in the entire country that saw year over year gains in their market during the month of…

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