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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

30 January 2013

A Quebec Home Renovation Story

We often talk on this blog about paying for home renovations. And a little while ago we touched on how, if you’re going to be using cash to pay for the improvements to your home, you need to make sure you’re doing it right, and paying all the taxes that you would’ve paying by any other…

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30 January 2013
Canada’s Currency Controversy, Round 2

This past August saw controversy surrounding the $100 bill, and the fact that the woman on the bank note was “Asian-looking,” and not truly representative of Canada. Now, controversy surrounding Canada’s currency has been stirred up once again but this time, it’s the new $20 bill that’s come under fire. It was first a botanist…

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29 January 2013
Five Steps to Help You Get Out of Debt

If you’re heavily in debt, there are a lot of good tools you can use and steps you can take to help yourself get out of it, such as the debt consolidation loans we talked about this morning. But if you’re looking for just a few things you can do in your daily life to…

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29 January 2013
An Important Lesson in Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt consolidation loans can be a great option if you find yourself buried underneath debt, with seemingly no way of ever getting out from under the pile. But just like with everything else, there are some do’s and don’ts that go along with these loans. One of the biggest don’ts is to avoid personal loans through…

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28 January 2013
Are You a Canadian Homeowner? Are You Looking for More Deductions?

Just this morning we talked about how it’s tax season once again here in Canada, and that means everyone’s worrying about RRSPs, and whether or not they’re actually the best place to put your money. But there’s another hot topic that always resurfaces around tax time, and that’s the issue of deductions. So what home…

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28 January 2013
The Age of Savings – RRSPs, RESPs, CSBs, and GICs

It’s tax time in Canada again, and that has everyone thinking that RRSPs are the one and only savings vehicle in Canada. Or, the best one anyway. But is it really? There are many ways to save your money and sit back and watch as it accrues interest, and the RRSP is just one of…

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27 January 2013
Divorcing is Tough. What if You’re about to Retire at the Same Time?

Divorce is certainly something that is never easy. No matter what stage of life you’re in, or what your plans were for the “next phase,” typically divorce for most means living a life very different than what was originally imagined. Not to mention the pain of letting someone go. But while divorce is always hard,…

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