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Money Talks: Volume 56

20 December 2013

There wasn’t a huge amount of real estate and mortgage news this week (perhaps because the last several weeks have been dedicated to such within the headlines,) but we did manage to find a plethora of personal finance articles. And maybe that’s appropriate given that we’re now only four full days away from Christmas and everyone’s worried about their personal finance situation.

Personal Finance

Looking to get a car loan? Should you get an auto loan, a personal loan, or a line of credit? This week Boomer & Echo takes a look at all the options.

Which route you take to get that car could attribute to the record high our consumer debt is set to hit next year. The Gazette has the story from Montreal.

And the amount of shopping we’re doing these holidays is certainly helping to add to that debt. RateSupermarket looks at how 25 per cent of Canadians are feeling “helpless” over holiday spending.

Want to stop feeling so helpless? RateSupermarket also brings you some super cheap ideas for great holiday decor.

Real Estate

There weren’t a lot to choose from but we did find this one real estate story, brought by the CREA blog, about how Canadian home sales didn’t change much in November.


Looking to renew your mortgage early? Find out if doing so will help you, or hurt. The Globe and Mail has the story.

This week Canadian Mortgage Trends ran an interesting story about some of the predictions and forecasts made by the Bank of Canada. Do you agree?

Canadian Economy

No changes will be made to the CPP for now, and some at the Toronto Star take issue over the fact that those in the Finance Department won’t be affected at all by the lack of change.

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