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Christmas in Canada

25 December 2013

We spend every other day of the year giving you strategies for saving money on your mortgage, explaining the best ways to get a loan (and the best types to get,) and giving you tidbits of advice on how to most wisely spend or save your money. But today’s one of the few days of the year that we take a break from all that. It’s Christmas! And to help celebrate the day in a bit more jovial way than talking interest rates and renewal applications, we bring you these fun facts about Christmas in Canada!

  • Do you know which city is considered to be the “Christmas Capital of Canada?” Here are a couple of hints. It lies in the centre of the country, and its frozen river is one of the most famous in the entire world. They’re guaranteed a white Christmas almost every single year, and it’s not Ottawa. It’s Winnipeg! Yes, one of the snowiest and coldest cities in the country has the honour of enjoying Christmas just a little longer than the rest of us each year.
  • You might say that those in Quebec know the true meaning of Christmas – to spend time enjoying great food with good family. In Quebec it’s tradition to attend Midnight Mass and then congregate back home with your family for a big traditional meal. The meal includes French classics such as Sucre La Creme, Buche de Noel, Tarte au Sucre, and Tourtiere. During the afternoon of Christmas Eve, families typically have a long nap in order to be awake and refreshed for the festivities to follow. This tradition is known as “reveillion,” which means to ‘wake up.’
  • While Christmas caroling has largely fallen out of practice across the country, Nova Scotia still partakes of this festive tradition – and in a very unique Maritime way! Throughout the twelve days of Christmas, children will dress up in costumes and masks, and perform skits or dance around while singing. If those they’re singing for can’t guess who they’re dressed up as, they must join in on the caroling! This tradition is known as “Mummers” or “Belsnicklers.”
  • Clementines might be considered Christmas oranges due to their growing season, but Vancouver knows another reason for their cute nickname. During the beginning of the holiday season in this western city, a shipment of them arrives at the harbour and is presented by Japanese girls wearing kimonos. It’s a tradition that goes back decades, and is one that officially kicks off the Christmas season in Vancouver!

Now that you know a little more Canadian Christmas trivia, you can share these tidbits with your family over turkey! Merry Christmas everyone!

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