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Five Signs Your Have a Good Adviser…and Mortgage Broker

14 July 2010

An article in today’s Globe and Mail entitled Is Your Adviser a Good One? points out that, despite the horror stories in the media and at social gatherings, there are still good -very good – financial advisors out there. So how do you know if your financial adviser is fantastical or failtastical? Well, according to the article, there are five major signs that you have the right financial adviser. Here they are:

5 Signs You Have a Good Adviser

1. Your adviser explains and educates instead of blowing you off.
2. The advice they give may not always be to their benefit but is always the best advice for you.
3. They can and will offer a wide range of products to suit your needs.
4. Their knowledge covers a wide range of financial topics, such as insurance and taxes.
5. Your adviser is not a yes man and will instead explain his or her reasons for disagreeing with your suggestions or ideas.

These five signals are both simple and obvious yet they are also worth stating. Picking a financial advisor is not something to be taken lightly. The same is true for picking a mortgage broker. In fact all of the above signs could apply not only to your financial adviser but also to your mortgage broker. Whether you are looking for a first or a second mortgage, home equity loan, refinancing, or even debt consolidation, your mortgage broker should be able to offer advice, options, and products that will help you make smart and positive financial decisions.

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