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Should You Pay Down Your Mortgage or Invest?

1 June 2010

Pay Down Mortgage or Invest?

Why is the sky blue? Why do leopards have spots? And, of course, we can’t forget yet another of life’s enduring questions: should I pay down my mortgage or invest in RRSPs?

Let’s start with some pros for paying down your mortgage:

  • The more you pay up front means that the less you’ll pay in interest.
  • Your house will have more equity.
  • There’s the psychological benefit of not having to worry about your mortgage anymore.

Now for the cons:

  • If you run into an emergency it’s easier to obtain money from savings and other investments.
  • The more money you have in your house means that you risk being under-diversified.

Paying down your mortgage offers some real benefits. But, it could impede saving for retirement. It doesn’t have to be an either-or situation. There are options. Speak with a financial specialist to make sure that you make the decision that is right for you.

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