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Why Use a Mortgage Broker?

29 July 2010

Buying a home involves a lot of work. Identifying the right property, checking the documentation, finding the best possible loan to finance the purchase – these are all very important tasks. Finding the right house depends on your personal preferences and needs but finding the right mortgage involves many external factors. A mortgage broker can make this process much easier for you.

A broker brings his knowledge of the markets to use in identifying the right kind of loans. Depending on current interest rates and future expectations, he advises you whether a fixed or a variable rate loan would be suitable for you.

Understanding the terms and conditions of a loan can be a confusing affair. Because of his familiarity with the various loan products, the broker can explain exactly what the loan entails. Any hidden charges or balloon payments in a loan will be apparent to him even if you can’t spot them.

An experienced broker will have good relations with many leading lenders. This means that the broker has access to a wide range of products. With more products to choose from, the chances of your finding a loan to perfectly match your needs is much higher.

Most of running around, researching and shopping for loans and lenders is done by the broker on your behalf. This saves considerable time, effort and costs for you. The broker can even help you compare the various products accurately by pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each.

A good way of finding a reliable mortgage broker is to ask friends or relatives to recommend one they have used recently. You can also search online to find brokers in your area.

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