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Where are the Best Places to Retire in Canada?

1 July 2012

With changes just being made to Old Age Security, and everyone worried about the debt they’re carrying now and possibly into retirement, everyone’s thinking about their Golden Years. Where will you be? Will you move, or stay right where you are? If you’re in the former group, you might be thinking about where you want to move to. Luckily, MoneySense Magazine puts together a list every year of the best places to retire in Canada and this year, these five cities made the list.

Kingston, Ontario
If you thought it was only about Toronto mortgages in Ontario, think again! For those in their retirement years Kingston’s the place to be at. Kingston enjoys a very low crime rate as well as low taxes, and the ability to easily walk around town, or take public transit. Kingsdale Chateau, the most beautiful retirement community in the area, is another huge draw to this area.

Halifax, Nova Scotia
Halifax has many of the same draws to it that Kingston does: low crime, ease of getting around on foot or by bus, and low taxes. Halifax also places a very high value on having proper senior care and so, there are many modern retirement facilities that allow seniors the ability to enjoy the Atlantic Coast, while being waited on hand and foot in a five-star facility.

Saanich, B.C.
Being just minutes away from Victoria, Saanich enjoys the same temperate climate that ranges from no lower than -2 Celsius in the winter to typically no more than 30 degrees Celsius in the summer. Plus, retirement communities here are all-inclusive and so the high cost of real estate isn’t felt for the luxury style of living.

Victoria, B.C.
Just minutes away from Saanich of course, is Victoria. Here again there is mild climate and retirement communities that aren’t affected by high real estate costs. Plus, seniors are just a tiny bit closer to being in the middle of it when they live right in Victoria, rather than on the outskirts.

Ottawa, Ontario
Along with Toronto and Kingston, Ottawa mortgages are always a good bet for seniors as they plan where they’re going to settle down and enjoy their retirement years. Because this city is known for their harsh winters, they’re also known for creating protection for those winters. Underground walkways, well lit and clear paths, all make for pleasant walking conditions all year long. Plus, they have many facilities, both right in the middle of the city and in the suburbs, to give retirees their choice, if they’re looking to live in a retirement community.

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